
With the micro-miniaturization of super-computing capabilities in the second decade of the 21st century, cyber-engineers were able to create hand-held devices capable of projecting life-sized three-dimensional objects in space. Over the next several years, these holopods evolved to the point where they:
  • could be small enough to be embedded in eyeglasses, jewelry, or even under the skin
  • were entirely voice controlled, requiring no manual input device
  • operated completely wirelessly in any location throughout the world
  • replaced literally dozens of 20th century devices and methods of communication and commerce, including:
    1. telephones and fax machines
    2. audio and video recorders, receivers, players, speakers, and amplifiers
    3. newspapers, magazines, book, and virtually every form of written output
    4. email and word processing and virtually every means of written input
    5. calculators of great complexity
    6. printers, scanners, and copiers
    7. ATMs, credit and debit cards, cash currency, and personal checks
    8. time devices such as watches, alarm clocks, and appointment calendars
    9. spatial devices such as GPS maps and atlases
    10. databases such as address books and yellow page directories
    11. social networking sites, in fact the very concept of sites
    12. even, eventually, Twitter

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