Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as the Mormons, from their holy book, known as The Book of Mormon. was founded in the former United States of America in the 19th century. Details regarding the religion may be found on their Official site.

Much controversy has surrounded the Mormons since their founding to the present day, making it next to impossible for the editors of the Holopedia to provide verifiable information. Readers are encouraged to research these and suggest other sources for posting as Holopedia links.

We have received a number of communications regarding possible Mormon involvement in militant militias at the turn of the century, as reported by the writer, John Krakauer.

See also a response to this charge in an onofficial blog on Mormon history, doctrine, culture, and books, on an unofficial website, and an official response to Krakauer's entire book, Under the Banner of Heaven

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