The People’s Holopedia, founded in 2040 by Les Nouveaux Philosophes, was an outgrowth of the net-based People’s Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, which was begun in the first years of the 21st century. Although discredited by the Authorities of the time as providing unreliable information, the Wikipedia proved to be a powerful attempt by ordinary citizens to pursue the truth free from Establishment bias.
For the past four decades, holo-citizens have been invited to make contributions to the People’s Holopedia from their own knowledge and experience in order to provide a counterbalance to “authorized encyclopedias," which the Nouveaux Philosophes and many others regard as highly biased propaganda from world authorities. During the “dark ages" of censorship (2045-present), government interception of the People’s Holopedia has made it increasingly difficult for ordinary citizens to access or contribute to it, but it is hoped that continuously re-holocasted versions of it by courageous independent thinkers will have kept it alive in the holosphere, so that present and future generations may find it and have access to an alternate view of the tumultuous 21st century and the pivotal events that radically transformed life on Earth .
Anyone who is reading this version at any time in history is invited to contribute new entries or suggestions for corrections or additions to current entries. Please include the year in which you made your contribution. Rest assured that your identity and Holopod address will be secure.
People's Holopedia: Volume I (Index)
Introduction to the People's Holopedia (v. June 2078)
Actual Object (AO)
African AIDS Pandemic of the Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries
Alternative Energy Sources in Early 21st Century
Arab Oil Embargo of 1973
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Censors
Caribbean Confederation
Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Evangelical States of the USA
Fission-based Nuclear Power
Global Warming in the First Half of the 21st Century
(The) Great Change
(The) Great Change (Preparation for outside the USNA)
Hurricane Damage to Oil Refineries at the Turn of the Century
Hydrocarbon Age (End of)
Islam (An Interview with Karen Armstrong)
Myrdal, Jan on "Bias"
New Mayan Kingdom of the Yucatan
New Shakers
New USA (Formation of)
News and Information Agencies (NIA)
New York Times
New Vermont and Feed Corn
New Vermont Inter-community Breeding Policies
9/11 Commission Report
9/11 Commission Report (Contemporary Critiques of)
1984 by George Orwell
Les Nouveaux Philosophes
Nuclear Power Accidents in the USNA
Prison Data: Population by Country (2005)
Russia, Soviet Union, New Soviet Union
21st Century Vehicles
United Nations: History (1945-2031)
United Nations Resolution Restricting Direct Civilian Use of Fossil Fuels (2021)
United States of America (Original USA)
USA (Original) Energy Policies at the Turn of the Century
United States of North America (USNA)
United States of North America (USNA), Timeline & Brief Chronology: 2009-2030
USNA’s Belated Preparation for the Great Change
USNA History: Collapse of the USNA (2030)
USNA History: Department of Homeland Security
USNA History: Neo-Anarchism
USNA History: Neo-Populism
USNA History: Secession and Armed Skirmishes
Virtual Age
Virtual Reality
World-wide Civil Wars
World-wide Flu Pandemics of the Early 21st Century
World-wide Life Expectancies (1900-2075)
Actual Correctional Facility (ACF)Actual Object (AO)
African AIDS Pandemic of the Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries
Alternative Energy Sources in Early 21st Century
Arab Oil Embargo of 1973
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Censors
Caribbean Confederation
Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Dirty BombsE
Electricity Blackouts at the Turn of the CenturyEvangelical States of the USA
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray BradburyFission-based Nuclear Power
Global Hyper-inflation, 2020-2030Global Warming in the First Half of the 21st Century
(The) Great Change
Hurricane Damage to Oil Refineries at the Turn of the Century
Hydrocarbon Age (End of)
Islamic TheocraciesIslam (An Interview with Karen Armstrong)
Johannesburg Earth Summit of 2002Mormons
Myrdal, Jan on "Bias"
New Iroquois NationNew Mayan Kingdom of the Yucatan
New Shakers
New USA (Formation of)
News and Information Agencies (NIA)
New York Times
New Vermont and Feed Corn
New Vermont Inter-community Breeding Policies
9/11 Commission Report
9/11 Commission Report (Contemporary Critiques of)
1984 by George Orwell
Les Nouveaux Philosophes
Nuclear Power Accidents in the USNA
People’s Republic of ChinaPrison Data: Population by Country (2005)
Radical Islamic Jihad of the Early 21st CenturyRussia, Soviet Union, New Soviet Union
Terrorists and Nuclear Materials21st Century Vehicles
Ultra-LightsUnited Nations: History (1945-2031)
United Nations Resolution Restricting Direct Civilian Use of Fossil Fuels (2021)
United States of America (Original USA)
USA (Original) Energy Policies at the Turn of the Century
United States of North America (USNA)
United States of North America (USNA), Timeline & Brief Chronology: 2009-2030
USNA’s Belated Preparation for the Great Change
USNA History: Collapse of the USNA (2030)
USNA History: Department of Homeland Security
USNA History: Neo-Anarchism
USNA History: Neo-Populism
USNA History: Secession and Armed Skirmishes
Vermont Food Self-sufficiencyVirtual Age
Virtual Reality
World Population 1900-2030 (Chart/Graph)World-wide Civil Wars
World-wide Flu Pandemics of the Early 21st Century
World-wide Life Expectancies (1900-2075)
New Iroquois Nation
In 2028, the remaining ancestors of the indigenous Iroquois Nation, regained “ownership” of millions of acres of wild and largely uninhabited land including: the Adirondack Mountains of New York State, a narrow corridor across the tops of what were once the states of Vermont and New Hampshire, and the entire northern half of what was once the state of Maine, beginning at the Longfellow Mountains.
For a while these areas remained legally a part of the New Vermont and the new USA state of Massachusetts, but within a few years virtually all the white inhabitants of these areas had migrated to the southern part of the new USA or to the more densely populated shorelines of Lake Champlain and the St. Lawrence River, where it was still possible for them to work and live.
As word of the abandonment of these remote areas spread, small numbers of people of Iroquois ancestry began to move in from other parts of the former USNA, learning to live off the land as their forbears had once done. Eventually these Iroquois resettlers claimed these lands for the Iroquois Nation, operating under the original Iroquois Constitution that some say once served as the model for the Constitution of the United States.
Both New Vermont and Massachusetts quite willingly gave up their claims to the remote and uninhabitable northern lakes and timberlands, which had become prohibitively expensive to log without petroleum-powered equipment. In its treaty with the Iroquois nation, New Vermont's granted the Iroquois full rights to live, hunt, and fish in the northern corridor and the Adirondacks, as well as “home rule” under their own Constitution. as long as they did not build permanent settlements, pollute the air and waters, or over-hunt the animals in the Adirondack Preserve. For their part, the Iroquois Nation was to recognize the right of the New Vermont Hunting and Fishing Authority to monitor the populations of game in the preserve and to set annual quotas for the taking of game by both the Iroquois and authorized hunters from New Vermont. The Iroquois were also to permit free access to authorized New Vermont hunters, so long as they did not bring alcohol onto the domain of the Iroquois Nation.
The treaty worked out quite well for about forty years, largely because the population of Iroquois living in the huge area under their dominion was estimated to be at somewhat less than five thousand, hardly enough to seriously impact the environment or game population. However, by 2075, relations between the two groups had become increasingly strained because of several unpublicized, but well-known incidents on both sides of what had been, until about five years before, a highly permeable border.
For a while these areas remained legally a part of the New Vermont and the new USA state of Massachusetts, but within a few years virtually all the white inhabitants of these areas had migrated to the southern part of the new USA or to the more densely populated shorelines of Lake Champlain and the St. Lawrence River, where it was still possible for them to work and live.
As word of the abandonment of these remote areas spread, small numbers of people of Iroquois ancestry began to move in from other parts of the former USNA, learning to live off the land as their forbears had once done. Eventually these Iroquois resettlers claimed these lands for the Iroquois Nation, operating under the original Iroquois Constitution that some say once served as the model for the Constitution of the United States.
Both New Vermont and Massachusetts quite willingly gave up their claims to the remote and uninhabitable northern lakes and timberlands, which had become prohibitively expensive to log without petroleum-powered equipment. In its treaty with the Iroquois nation, New Vermont's granted the Iroquois full rights to live, hunt, and fish in the northern corridor and the Adirondacks, as well as “home rule” under their own Constitution. as long as they did not build permanent settlements, pollute the air and waters, or over-hunt the animals in the Adirondack Preserve. For their part, the Iroquois Nation was to recognize the right of the New Vermont Hunting and Fishing Authority to monitor the populations of game in the preserve and to set annual quotas for the taking of game by both the Iroquois and authorized hunters from New Vermont. The Iroquois were also to permit free access to authorized New Vermont hunters, so long as they did not bring alcohol onto the domain of the Iroquois Nation.
The treaty worked out quite well for about forty years, largely because the population of Iroquois living in the huge area under their dominion was estimated to be at somewhat less than five thousand, hardly enough to seriously impact the environment or game population. However, by 2075, relations between the two groups had become increasingly strained because of several unpublicized, but well-known incidents on both sides of what had been, until about five years before, a highly permeable border.
New Shakers
The Shakers experienced a rebirth in the northern USNA, part of the spiritual revival that swept the country as it began to disintegrate. In New Vermont, Shaker communities sprung up primarily in the Connecticut River Valley where to this day New Shaker Cooperatives run thriving businesses that more than support their self-sufficient communities. While the New Shaker emphasis on hard work, sustainability, and even simplicity are consistent with New Vermont’s spirit and philosophy, their peculiar dancing, celibacy, religious fervor, and the austerity of their dress apparently embarrass New Vermont’s government because they are never mentioned in government communiqués, nor are they given credit for the many designs they’ve contributed to New Vermont’s architecture and furniture-making.
New Vermont Inter-community Breeding Policies
As a geographically isolated nation with a relatively small population, New Vermont adopted a Healthy Breeding campaign, which was strictly enforced throughout most of the 21st century. Components of this campaign included:
As a result, New Vermont Eugenics Authorities imposed on these towns policies similar to those the larger towns had adopted on their own. In addition, they required all fertile women in these towns to have quarterly medical checks, involving sonograms and, “if necessary,” abortions. However, violent resistance broke out in a number of these small inland communities, which were populated by Evangelical Christians who had not emigrated after the Great Change to the Evangelical states of the southern USNA. To these Evangelicals, abortion was the greatest sin imaginable, while in-breeding was looked upon as a natural way of maintaining close-knit “believer” communities in a sea of secular infidels. Ultimately, the Authorities decided that these communities weren't worth trying to save and allowed them to go their own way.
- weekly socials to which marriageable males and females were transported so that members of the opposite sex at these events were always from different towns
- comprehensive Family Planning courses, which began when children were twelve and stressed the importance of genetic variation in choosing a mate
- extensive genealogical record-keeping adapted from the pioneering work of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), who remain a powerful religious and political force in New Vermont to this day.
As a result, New Vermont Eugenics Authorities imposed on these towns policies similar to those the larger towns had adopted on their own. In addition, they required all fertile women in these towns to have quarterly medical checks, involving sonograms and, “if necessary,” abortions. However, violent resistance broke out in a number of these small inland communities, which were populated by Evangelical Christians who had not emigrated after the Great Change to the Evangelical states of the southern USNA. To these Evangelicals, abortion was the greatest sin imaginable, while in-breeding was looked upon as a natural way of maintaining close-knit “believer” communities in a sea of secular infidels. Ultimately, the Authorities decided that these communities weren't worth trying to save and allowed them to go their own way.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as the Mormons, from their holy book, known as The Book of Mormon. was founded in the former United States of America in the 19th century. Details regarding the religion may be found on their Official site.
Much controversy has surrounded the Mormons since their founding to the present day, making it next to impossible for the editors of the Holopedia to provide verifiable information. Readers are encouraged to research these and suggest other sources for posting as Holopedia links.
We have received a number of communications regarding possible Mormon involvement in militant militias at the turn of the century, as reported by the writer, John Krakauer.
See also a response to this charge in an onofficial blog on Mormon history, doctrine, culture, and books, on an unofficial website, and an official response to Krakauer's entire book, Under the Banner of Heaven
Much controversy has surrounded the Mormons since their founding to the present day, making it next to impossible for the editors of the Holopedia to provide verifiable information. Readers are encouraged to research these and suggest other sources for posting as Holopedia links.
We have received a number of communications regarding possible Mormon involvement in militant militias at the turn of the century, as reported by the writer, John Krakauer.
See also a response to this charge in an onofficial blog on Mormon history, doctrine, culture, and books, on an unofficial website, and an official response to Krakauer's entire book, Under the Banner of Heaven
Brotherhood of Natural Causes
The holopedia has no reliable entries on the Brotherhood of Natural Causes. Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on this topic.
New Vermont and Feed Corn
As far back as 2015, the USNA State of Vermont had been one of the first governments to outlaw the use of corn syrup and corn as a component of processed foods. The Vermont state government also mounted a campaign to get its citizens to eliminate corn-fed beef and pork from their diets, replacing it with free-range animals and game from the carefully controlled deer, antelope, and moose herd, as well as wild boar and bear that roamed the mountains and abandoned hill farms of what is now interior New Vermont.
Nevertheless, there is some feed corn grown in New Vermont, organically of course, for the oxen and draught horses used for transporting goods throughout the region, as well as winter feed for the large herds of dairy and wool-producing animals that provide milk, cheese, and yogurt for its citizens and have made New Vermont wool sought after throughout the world. The males of these same animals provide the only non-game source of red meat eaten by New Vermonters, most of whose protein comes from fish (grown on fish-farms maintained by almost every community in the state), chickens (both free-range birds explicitly raised for meat and hens whose egg laying efficiency has dropped off), and, for special occasions, pork from pigs raised exclusively on slops from community food preservation cooperatives.
What is not generally known outside of New Vermont is that there exist secret herds of beef cattle and corn-fed hogs, which are sold on the black market to wealthy individuals both inside New Vermont and in other states and countries. Although unconfirmed, rumor has it that these herds are owned and operated by an organized crime family with members strategically placed in many countries throughout the world.
Nevertheless, there is some feed corn grown in New Vermont, organically of course, for the oxen and draught horses used for transporting goods throughout the region, as well as winter feed for the large herds of dairy and wool-producing animals that provide milk, cheese, and yogurt for its citizens and have made New Vermont wool sought after throughout the world. The males of these same animals provide the only non-game source of red meat eaten by New Vermonters, most of whose protein comes from fish (grown on fish-farms maintained by almost every community in the state), chickens (both free-range birds explicitly raised for meat and hens whose egg laying efficiency has dropped off), and, for special occasions, pork from pigs raised exclusively on slops from community food preservation cooperatives.
What is not generally known outside of New Vermont is that there exist secret herds of beef cattle and corn-fed hogs, which are sold on the black market to wealthy individuals both inside New Vermont and in other states and countries. Although unconfirmed, rumor has it that these herds are owned and operated by an organized crime family with members strategically placed in many countries throughout the world.
New Little Ice Age
Most scientists now agree with the counter-intuitive explanation for the northern hemisphere’s current Little Ice Age first proposed by scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute shortly after the turn of the century. These scientists suggested that global warming would actually cause a significant drop in average temperatures in our hemisphere. They hypothesized that by the early twenty-first century, global warming (whether part of a natural cycle or the result of our hydrocarbon-based civilization) would cause much of the polar ice cap to melt, resulting in cold fresh water submerging the denser warmer waters of the Gulf Stream and turning them back in a southerly direction, thereby depriving the northern hemisphere of their critical warming effect.
This view has, of course, been challenged by certain evangelical religious groups, like the Brotherhood of Natural Causes, who believe that all climate change is part of a divine plan, which they call “intelligent design.” These fundamentalists cite generally accepted evidence that ice ages and great floods have occurred at regular intervals throughout history, but they layer onto this legitimate data dubious numerological arguments that these precise time intervals are predicted in The Books of the Apocrypha.
This view has, of course, been challenged by certain evangelical religious groups, like the Brotherhood of Natural Causes, who believe that all climate change is part of a divine plan, which they call “intelligent design.” These fundamentalists cite generally accepted evidence that ice ages and great floods have occurred at regular intervals throughout history, but they layer onto this legitimate data dubious numerological arguments that these precise time intervals are predicted in The Books of the Apocrypha.
Vermont Food Self-Sufficiency
As a leader in the organic food movement far back into the twentieth century, Vermont’s farmers had long ago given up using chemical fertilizers and insecticides. By the early 2020s, using bio-intensive gardening techniques, organic fertilizers and insecticides, and non-genetically-engineered super-hybrid seed development, this fortuitous combination of Yankee ingenuity and the environmentalist fervor of “flatlanders” who’d immigrated to Vermont in the late twentieth century, enabled Vermont to become the first of the 60 states in the United States of North America to be food self-sufficient. On top of that, the crops grown in the state were all organic and non-genetically engineered. As a result, despite its cold climate, the fledgling nation of New Vermont was better prepared than most other nations on the North American continent to meet the challenges of a low fossil-fuel economy. (See an article on sustainable and unsustainable agriculture from the now-banned subversive organization: the Union of Concerned Scientists.)
Nomads—said by some to be part Gypsy, part Native American, part Bedouin— have no permanent homes, but instead travel the country (and sometimes the world) in horse-drawn covered wagons, much like the Conestoga Wagons used by nineteenth century pioneers of the American West. Very little is actually known about them
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on Nomads and/or their precursors, Gypsies, Bedouin, et al.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on Nomads and/or their precursors, Gypsies, Bedouin, et al.
News and Information Agencies (NIA)
The NIAs of Authorities in nearly every country in the world generate 24/7 news and information holocoms that are the only means by which their citizens may officially learn about their world. All other holocoms, whether sent by individuals or organizations, are so thoroughly altered by Authority AI censors that the only news and infomation they contain is identical to what is produced by NIAs.
Thus, the only real alternative sources of news and information in today's world are "Actual Conversations" between people willing to risk being charged with a criminal act, should those conversations be picked up by surve-cams and judged to be subversive.
This situation of "sole source" news and information was not always the case. Up until the late 20th century, there were tens of thousands of small independent paper-presses and audio stations in the world, which published and broadcasted a wide variety of news, information, and entertainment. These media companies were known collectively as "the free press," and could be found in every non-totalitarian country in the world. Despite the great variety of content among these independent media outlets, however, closer examination within each country and era revealed considerable ideological congruity among these media producers and between them and the Authorities. Very few media outlets strongly challenged the status quo of a particular time and place.
With the advent of video-broadcasting, there began a vast consolidation of the media so that by 2010, the "press" consisted largely of Authority controlled media outlets and a few large closely allied media corporations. While many people continued to turn to these media outlets for their entertainment, fewer and fewer relied on them for news and information, which they regarded as being largely propaganda and disinformation. Instead, most people sought their news and information from the Net (2-D precursor to the holosphere), where thousands of independent websites, blogs, RSS, and other communication modalities were available to them.
The Authorities quickly countered this trend in two ways:
(1) The Authorities and their Media Oligarchy allies created their own websites, blogs, RSS, etc., many disguised as the work of independent producers. Thus, ordinary citizens found it increasingly difficult to distinguish between truly independent reporting of news and information and that coming from Authority proxies.
(2) The Authorities simultaneously carried out a highly effective public relations campaign to discredit the web and the blogosphere as anarchistic and totally unreliable, which had, to some extent become the case, partially as a result of the efforts of the Authorities and their proxies to flood the blogosphere with propaganda, as described above. (See, for example, an article that appeared in the Authority media ally, The New York Times, describing deliberate disinformation in the Wikipedia.)
This period, between 2010 and 2020, is often known as the "no nothing" era, as it was almost impossible for anyone to determine what was actually happening in the world. With the Authorities and their media allies (often in the guise of independent sources) putting out their version of the facts, and every truly independent source putting out their own versions, how was anyone to know what the truth was?
This chaotic situation came to an end around 2020, as Authorities in nearly every country in the world took direct control of and/or strictly censored all quasi-independent media outlets, and passed draconian censorship laws controlling all truly independent communication of news and information.
Thus, the only real alternative sources of news and information in today's world are "Actual Conversations" between people willing to risk being charged with a criminal act, should those conversations be picked up by surve-cams and judged to be subversive.
This situation of "sole source" news and information was not always the case. Up until the late 20th century, there were tens of thousands of small independent paper-presses and audio stations in the world, which published and broadcasted a wide variety of news, information, and entertainment. These media companies were known collectively as "the free press," and could be found in every non-totalitarian country in the world. Despite the great variety of content among these independent media outlets, however, closer examination within each country and era revealed considerable ideological congruity among these media producers and between them and the Authorities. Very few media outlets strongly challenged the status quo of a particular time and place.
With the advent of video-broadcasting, there began a vast consolidation of the media so that by 2010, the "press" consisted largely of Authority controlled media outlets and a few large closely allied media corporations. While many people continued to turn to these media outlets for their entertainment, fewer and fewer relied on them for news and information, which they regarded as being largely propaganda and disinformation. Instead, most people sought their news and information from the Net (2-D precursor to the holosphere), where thousands of independent websites, blogs, RSS, and other communication modalities were available to them.
The Authorities quickly countered this trend in two ways:
(1) The Authorities and their Media Oligarchy allies created their own websites, blogs, RSS, etc., many disguised as the work of independent producers. Thus, ordinary citizens found it increasingly difficult to distinguish between truly independent reporting of news and information and that coming from Authority proxies.
(2) The Authorities simultaneously carried out a highly effective public relations campaign to discredit the web and the blogosphere as anarchistic and totally unreliable, which had, to some extent become the case, partially as a result of the efforts of the Authorities and their proxies to flood the blogosphere with propaganda, as described above. (See, for example, an article that appeared in the Authority media ally, The New York Times, describing deliberate disinformation in the Wikipedia.)
This period, between 2010 and 2020, is often known as the "no nothing" era, as it was almost impossible for anyone to determine what was actually happening in the world. With the Authorities and their media allies (often in the guise of independent sources) putting out their version of the facts, and every truly independent source putting out their own versions, how was anyone to know what the truth was?
This chaotic situation came to an end around 2020, as Authorities in nearly every country in the world took direct control of and/or strictly censored all quasi-independent media outlets, and passed draconian censorship laws controlling all truly independent communication of news and information.
1984 by George Orwell
The full text of 1984 by George Orwell may still be circulating in the holosphere despite being outlawed by the Authorities.
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
No known copy of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury may be found on the holosphere, but you may be able to access detailed information about it on a site intended for its study in the early part of the century.
Virtual Reality
As a security precaution, the Authorities have highly censored all information on VR technology, so that the only information we have been able to access are highly outdated links on Virtual Reality research from the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on Virtual Reality; of special interest are its uses in the creation of counterfeit realities by the Authorities.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on Virtual Reality; of special interest are its uses in the creation of counterfeit realities by the Authorities.
Virtual Age
The period beginning roughly 2030 by which time fossil fuel use for travel by ordinary citizens was forbidden world-wide. In place of Actual Travel, people "traveled" distances by viewing 3-D holographic images of distant places and people on holopods, which also served all of their communication needs and handled almost all commercial and financial transactions.
Actual Correctional Facility (ACF)
Known as "prisons" throughout most of human history, these institutions came to be called "correctional facilities" in the late 20th century, as the numbers of inmates of these facilities mushroomed world wide. The reasons for the dramatic increase in the numbers of people incarcerated in these correctional facilities, particularly in the original USA, was a matter of intense debate. For a summary of some of these arguments, see a 21st century report from The Sentencing Project on reasons for increased rates of incarceration in the USA.
During the Great Change, the economic and scoial costs associated with correctional facilities, led many countries to adopt a bifurcated program of institutional "reform." Inmates were separated into two groups:
1. Inmates considered to be an ongoing danger to society were sent to privately run high security correctional facilities located far from civilized areas (e.g. the former Canadian province of New Foundland and Labrador, which had been nearly abandoned during the Great Change), where most of these inmates lived out the remainder of their lives. These came to be called Actual Correctional Facilities (ACF).
2. Inmates considered to be capable of rehabilitation were sent to minimum security rehabilitation work zones until they had served their sentences. In these work zones, which were strictly single-sex with inmates living in supervised dormitories, convicts performed various forms of nationally needed manual labor (e.g. farming, mining, materials recycling) under the supervision of the corporations producing these products. Once their sentences were completed, these people were re-integrated into society, although they were strictly monitored for the rest of their lives through holopods embedded in their skin.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on any aspect of prisons throughout recorded history. Of particular interest would be information and comparisons of:
1. Gulags in then 20th century Soviet Union
2. Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany during the mid-20th century
3. Internment camps in the USA and Canada during WW II in the 20th century
4. Incarceration of suspected terrorists and others during the so-called War on Terror in the early b21st century
5. Prisons and chain gangs in the USA during the 20th century with special emphasis on the disproportionate number of African-American and Hispanic inmates
6. The explosive growth and privatization of correctional facilities in the USA during the late 20th and early 21st century; with special emphasis on the role of draconian drug and other mandatory sentencing laws in contributing to this unprecendented growth in prison populations.
During the Great Change, the economic and scoial costs associated with correctional facilities, led many countries to adopt a bifurcated program of institutional "reform." Inmates were separated into two groups:
1. Inmates considered to be an ongoing danger to society were sent to privately run high security correctional facilities located far from civilized areas (e.g. the former Canadian province of New Foundland and Labrador, which had been nearly abandoned during the Great Change), where most of these inmates lived out the remainder of their lives. These came to be called Actual Correctional Facilities (ACF).
2. Inmates considered to be capable of rehabilitation were sent to minimum security rehabilitation work zones until they had served their sentences. In these work zones, which were strictly single-sex with inmates living in supervised dormitories, convicts performed various forms of nationally needed manual labor (e.g. farming, mining, materials recycling) under the supervision of the corporations producing these products. Once their sentences were completed, these people were re-integrated into society, although they were strictly monitored for the rest of their lives through holopods embedded in their skin.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on any aspect of prisons throughout recorded history. Of particular interest would be information and comparisons of:
1. Gulags in then 20th century Soviet Union
2. Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany during the mid-20th century
3. Internment camps in the USA and Canada during WW II in the 20th century
4. Incarceration of suspected terrorists and others during the so-called War on Terror in the early b21st century
5. Prisons and chain gangs in the USA during the 20th century with special emphasis on the disproportionate number of African-American and Hispanic inmates
6. The explosive growth and privatization of correctional facilities in the USA during the late 20th and early 21st century; with special emphasis on the role of draconian drug and other mandatory sentencing laws in contributing to this unprecendented growth in prison populations.
Prison Data: Population by Country (2005)
In 2005, more than 10,000,000 people worldwide were incarcerated in prisons, led by the USA, China, and Russia. See below the top ten countries in terms of numbers of people incarcerated in prisons in 2005:
(Source: International Centre for Prison Studies)
1 United States of America 2,085,620
2 China 1,548,498
3 Russian Federation 763,054
4 Brazil 330,642
5 India 313,635
6 Ukraine 198,386
7 Mexico 191,890
8 South Africa 186,739
9 Thailand 168,264
10 Iran 133,658
(Source: International Centre for Prison Studies)
1 United States of America 2,085,620
2 China 1,548,498
3 Russian Federation 763,054
4 Brazil 330,642
5 India 313,635
6 Ukraine 198,386
7 Mexico 191,890
8 South Africa 186,739
9 Thailand 168,264
10 Iran 133,658
People’s Republic of China
Information on the so-called People’s Republic of China was intercepted and destroyed by Chinese authorities sometime in the late 2060’s.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on on The People’s Republic of China from the beginning of the Chinese Revolution in 1946 through the present. Of particular interest would be articles dealing with the emergence of China as the number two (after the USA) world economic and military power in the first decade of the 21st Century.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on on The People’s Republic of China from the beginning of the Chinese Revolution in 1946 through the present. Of particular interest would be articles dealing with the emergence of China as the number two (after the USA) world economic and military power in the first decade of the 21st Century.
Russia, Soviet Union, New Soviet Union
Information on Russia, the Soviet Union, and the New Soviet Union were all intercepted and destroyed by New Soviet authorities sometime in the 2050’s.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on Russia and the Soviet Union from the beginning of the Russian Revolution in 1905 through the present. Of particular interest would be articles on the collapse of the original Soviet Union in the 1990s and its rebirth in the third decade of the 2ist Century.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on Russia and the Soviet Union from the beginning of the Russian Revolution in 1905 through the present. Of particular interest would be articles on the collapse of the original Soviet Union in the 1990s and its rebirth in the third decade of the 2ist Century.
Islamic Theocracies
Information on the Islamic Theocracies of the Middle East, Eurasia, and the Far East island nations of Indonesia is sparse, as the authorities of these nations have succeeded in blacking out nearly all holocommunication to and from them.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on any and all of these Islamic Theocracies.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on any and all of these Islamic Theocracies.
Evangelical States of the USA
Shortly after the reformation of the New USA in 2030, as a confederation of ten highly independent states, four of those states (Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky) amended their state constitutions, establishing Evangelical Christianity as their state religions. Collectively, these states became known as the Evangelical States of the USA.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the history of Evangelical Christianity in the Americas. Of particular interest are:
(1) the emergence of evangelical Christianity as a political force in the original USA in the early 21st Century
(2) the very different role evangelical Christianity played in Latin America, where it became a force for democratic change in previously oligarchic nations
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the history of Evangelical Christianity in the Americas. Of particular interest are:
(1) the emergence of evangelical Christianity as a political force in the original USA in the early 21st Century
(2) the very different role evangelical Christianity played in Latin America, where it became a force for democratic change in previously oligarchic nations
Actual Object (AO)
The Virtual Age, which began in the 2020s, initially created linguistic ambiguity when people wished to refer to objects that they now viewed primarily as holograms. This led to the practice of referring to non-holographic "things" as being "actual." Ultimately, this ambiguity was largely resolved, as people understood that objects in plain view of participants in a discussion could be referred to without the application of the modifier "actual." That modifier was reserved for objects referred to in holocoms. Hence, an Actual Object (AO) referred to in a holocom became simply an "object" when discussed "in person," provided the object, too, was present at the discussion.
Today's AI-enabled surve-cams evolved from late 2oth century surveillance video cameras first used in retail stores, factories, and office and apartment buildings to enable security personnel to monitor public spaces throughout the building from a single location. With the addition of recording capabilities, these surveillance devices soon became useful in criminal investigations; permanently focused on every building entrance and exit, they recorded the comings and goings of people 24 hours a day.
With the dramatic increase in street crime and urban terrorism in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, many cities, particularly in Europe, installed such devices on street corners and throughout public transportation terminals and stations. So effective were these devices in capturing images of suicide-bombers and other criminals that soon virtually every municipality in the world installed surveillance cameras that covered almost every public space. However, the volume of recordings were so great that they were generally viewed by the Authorities only after a crime had occurred, as law enforcement officials attempted to identify the perpetrators at particular times and locations.
This situation changed dramatically with the emergence of super-computing AI video detection programs in the second decade of the century. Now, every video recording could be scanned by computer instantaneously and detect any suspicious actvity or person that it was programmed to recognize. It was not long thereafter that Authorities extended surve-cams to private spaces and individuals wherever they were, leveraging the ubiquity of holopods in the society. Anyone carrying a holopod (which was just about everyone) could be "looked in on" by Authority holopod-based surve-cams.
With the dramatic increase in street crime and urban terrorism in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, many cities, particularly in Europe, installed such devices on street corners and throughout public transportation terminals and stations. So effective were these devices in capturing images of suicide-bombers and other criminals that soon virtually every municipality in the world installed surveillance cameras that covered almost every public space. However, the volume of recordings were so great that they were generally viewed by the Authorities only after a crime had occurred, as law enforcement officials attempted to identify the perpetrators at particular times and locations.
This situation changed dramatically with the emergence of super-computing AI video detection programs in the second decade of the century. Now, every video recording could be scanned by computer instantaneously and detect any suspicious actvity or person that it was programmed to recognize. It was not long thereafter that Authorities extended surve-cams to private spaces and individuals wherever they were, leveraging the ubiquity of holopods in the society. Anyone carrying a holopod (which was just about everyone) could be "looked in on" by Authority holopod-based surve-cams.
With the micro-miniaturization of super-computing capabilities in the second decade of the 21st century, cyber-engineers were able to create hand-held devices capable of projecting life-sized three-dimensional objects in space. Over the next several years, these holopods evolved to the point where they:
- could be small enough to be embedded in eyeglasses, jewelry, or even under the skin
- were entirely voice controlled, requiring no manual input device
- operated completely wirelessly in any location throughout the world
- replaced literally dozens of 20th century devices and methods of communication and commerce, including:
- telephones and fax machines
- audio and video recorders, receivers, players, speakers, and amplifiers
- newspapers, magazines, book, and virtually every form of written output
- email and word processing and virtually every means of written input
- calculators of great complexity
- printers, scanners, and copiers
- ATMs, credit and debit cards, cash currency, and personal checks
- time devices such as watches, alarm clocks, and appointment calendars
- spatial devices such as GPS maps and atlases
- databases such as address books and yellow page directories
- social networking sites, in fact the very concept of sites
- even, eventually, Twitter
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Censors
By 2010, powerful super-computers, had enabled artificial intelligence programs not only to emulate complex human thought processes, but also to carry out analystical processes that far exceeded the capabilities of mere humans. Notable among these, were AI Censors, which could scan and analyze the contents of millions of pages of documents in minutes and identify potentially subversive ideas contained in them.
The Great Change
What finally galvanized the governments of the world to cut off the use of fossil fuels for civilian use in 2030 was not what had become the impossibly high costs of travel. Nor was it the worldwide hyper-inflation brought on by the skyrocketing costs of goods, all of which required enormous amounts of energy for their production and transport. It was not even the increasingly destructive impact of Global Warming:
Rather, it was recognition of the unsustainability of the trend, which began with the now infamous Johannesburg Earth Summit in 2002, toward what was euphemistically called “sustainable development,” but which, in truth was more about development than sustainability. As a result of this world summit meeting and the expectations it engendered, billions of people from the developing nations of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America had come to demand a standard of living that included not only improved health and enough to eat, but also cars, air-conditioned homes, and all sorts of electronic consumer devices. These expectations (and demands) placed enormous pressure on the dwindling supplies of fossil fuels, not only for electricity, transportation, and home and office temperature control, but also to produce the myriad synthetic products on which our increasingly comfortable civilization relied. Most critical among these synthetics, in the eyes of citizens and politicians alike, turned out to be the pharmaceuticals that were largely responsible for the enormous improvement in the world’s health, which had taken place in the first decade of the century, spurred on by a series of world-wide flu pandemics and, to a decidedly lesser extent, the African AIDS pandemic. Of course, these very same advances in world health had also resulted in the exponential and unsustainable rise in the population of the Earth, as life expectancies world-wide began to nudge the age of 90 with centenarians a commonplace in the most highly developed nations, like the United States of North America, the European Union, the Federation of Oceania, and the New Empire of Japan.
It was at this point, around 2020, that most world leaders realized that all remaining petroleum reserves needed to be used exclusively for continued pharmaceutical production, mission-critical synthetic building materials, and the transport of vital goods, especially food and increasingly scarce fresh water for drinking and agriculture. So, despite the colossal social upheaval they knew would be caused by cutting off civilian access to fossil fuels, in 2021 the U.N. and its member nations (which notably did not include the former global power, USNA) decided on this drastic, but necessary course of action.
There followed a decade-long, nearly world-wide campaign to prepare for the Great Change, which involved:
Meanwhile, the USNA pursued a tragic course of “business as usual,” Its leaders (a powerful coalition of right-wing politicians and global energy companies) scorned the UN resolution and expressed typical American confidence (most would say hubris) in their ability to “solve” the energy problem, which they claimed was simply a temporary shortage of energy resources, caused by America’s over-dependence on so-called foreign oil. Many Americans ---increasingly xenophobic and isolationist ever since the first great Radical Islamic Jihadist attacks of 9/11/01--- preferred this explanation to the alternative ‘tough love” position taken by progressive politicians and liberal pundits, such as Paul Krugman, Tom Friedman, and Nicholas Kristoff, all of the New York Times, who insisted that America needed to take dramatic energy conservation measures and to curtail its conspicuous consumption. As a result, pro-business, right wing politicians dominated national and state governments in the USNA throughout the first three decades of the century ---setting both consumer-driven energy policies and go-it-alone foreign policies of the USNA.
By 2030, however, even the most self-interested leaders of the USNA recognized that their citizens' profligate and unfettered use of fossil fuels could not continue, although it took the break-up of that once great power to bring them around to that realization, by which time the USNA was far behind the rest of the world in planning for “the great change.”
Also missing from official accounts of the transition to the Great Change are the dozens of civil wars that raged throughout the world for many years, as ethnic, religious, cultural, nationalistic, and social class sub-groups warred among themselves for power (and resources) under the new world order. These included several brief skirmishes in the USNA that eventually led to the collapse of the USNA . While these civil wars have been largely forgotten, they are occasionally and begrudgingly acknowledged by American authorities, who always insist upon referring to them as “minor civil disorders.”
- critical disruptions of agriculture due to dramatic changes in climate and years-long droughts in formerly lush agricultural areas
- disastrous annual flooding by nearly every remaining major river in the world
- dozens of annual killer (class 5+) hurricanes and typhoons
- tornadoes a commonplace world-wide
- the dramatic rise in sea levels due to melting of the polar ice caps, resulting in a significant loss of coastline and the virtual submersion of most sea islands of the world, including dozens of island nations like the Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar.
Rather, it was recognition of the unsustainability of the trend, which began with the now infamous Johannesburg Earth Summit in 2002, toward what was euphemistically called “sustainable development,” but which, in truth was more about development than sustainability. As a result of this world summit meeting and the expectations it engendered, billions of people from the developing nations of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America had come to demand a standard of living that included not only improved health and enough to eat, but also cars, air-conditioned homes, and all sorts of electronic consumer devices. These expectations (and demands) placed enormous pressure on the dwindling supplies of fossil fuels, not only for electricity, transportation, and home and office temperature control, but also to produce the myriad synthetic products on which our increasingly comfortable civilization relied. Most critical among these synthetics, in the eyes of citizens and politicians alike, turned out to be the pharmaceuticals that were largely responsible for the enormous improvement in the world’s health, which had taken place in the first decade of the century, spurred on by a series of world-wide flu pandemics and, to a decidedly lesser extent, the African AIDS pandemic. Of course, these very same advances in world health had also resulted in the exponential and unsustainable rise in the population of the Earth, as life expectancies world-wide began to nudge the age of 90 with centenarians a commonplace in the most highly developed nations, like the United States of North America, the European Union, the Federation of Oceania, and the New Empire of Japan.
It was at this point, around 2020, that most world leaders realized that all remaining petroleum reserves needed to be used exclusively for continued pharmaceutical production, mission-critical synthetic building materials, and the transport of vital goods, especially food and increasingly scarce fresh water for drinking and agriculture. So, despite the colossal social upheaval they knew would be caused by cutting off civilian access to fossil fuels, in 2021 the U.N. and its member nations (which notably did not include the former global power, USNA) decided on this drastic, but necessary course of action.
There followed a decade-long, nearly world-wide campaign to prepare for the Great Change, which involved:
- intense planning and the construction of low and non-fossil fuel-based transportation, manufacturing, and agricultural systems
- an end to single-family home construction and ultimately government confiscation and demolition of such homes in all but temperate zones
- strictly enforced draconian energy conservation laws in all buildings
- government-enforced in-migration from northern to more southerly climes, and a gradually phased withdrawal of fossil fuels from civilian use
Meanwhile, the USNA pursued a tragic course of “business as usual,” Its leaders (a powerful coalition of right-wing politicians and global energy companies) scorned the UN resolution and expressed typical American confidence (most would say hubris) in their ability to “solve” the energy problem, which they claimed was simply a temporary shortage of energy resources, caused by America’s over-dependence on so-called foreign oil. Many Americans ---increasingly xenophobic and isolationist ever since the first great Radical Islamic Jihadist attacks of 9/11/01--- preferred this explanation to the alternative ‘tough love” position taken by progressive politicians and liberal pundits, such as Paul Krugman, Tom Friedman, and Nicholas Kristoff, all of the New York Times, who insisted that America needed to take dramatic energy conservation measures and to curtail its conspicuous consumption. As a result, pro-business, right wing politicians dominated national and state governments in the USNA throughout the first three decades of the century ---setting both consumer-driven energy policies and go-it-alone foreign policies of the USNA.
By 2030, however, even the most self-interested leaders of the USNA recognized that their citizens' profligate and unfettered use of fossil fuels could not continue, although it took the break-up of that once great power to bring them around to that realization, by which time the USNA was far behind the rest of the world in planning for “the great change.”
Also missing from official accounts of the transition to the Great Change are the dozens of civil wars that raged throughout the world for many years, as ethnic, religious, cultural, nationalistic, and social class sub-groups warred among themselves for power (and resources) under the new world order. These included several brief skirmishes in the USNA that eventually led to the collapse of the USNA . While these civil wars have been largely forgotten, they are occasionally and begrudgingly acknowledged by American authorities, who always insist upon referring to them as “minor civil disorders.”
Global Hyper-inflation, 2020-2030
While the Holopedia has a great deal of information about global hyper-inflation over the period of 2020-2030, we have yet to find someone with strong background in macro-economics willing and able to write a strong analytic article on this topic.
Readers with a strong background in macro-economics and knowledge of this period of global hyper-inflation (2020-2030) are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on this topic.
Readers with a strong background in macro-economics and knowledge of this period of global hyper-inflation (2020-2030) are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on this topic.
Global Warming in the First Half of the 21st Century
A reader sent us a surviving Wikipedia entry on global warming.
We have also received a number of submissions about global warming in the first half of the 21st century, but these have tended to be primarily polemical critiques of the cabal of energy companies and USNA governmental officials who for years denied the role of human activity in global warming.
Readers are invited to submit additional potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on global warming in the second half of the 20th century and the first half of the 21st century. We are looking for an article that will focus exclusively on:
(1) the data that established the reality of global warming
(2) the role of human activity and natural cycles in the rapid increase of global warming in the 20th and 21st centuries
(3) the effects of global warming on climate, dramatic weather events, rising sea levels and island inundations, and other unnatural disasters during this period. We would also welcome a separate, although, balanced analysis of how government authorities, especially in the USNA, responded to the threat of global warming during the first three decades of the 21st century.
We have also received a number of submissions about global warming in the first half of the 21st century, but these have tended to be primarily polemical critiques of the cabal of energy companies and USNA governmental officials who for years denied the role of human activity in global warming.
Readers are invited to submit additional potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on global warming in the second half of the 20th century and the first half of the 21st century. We are looking for an article that will focus exclusively on:
(1) the data that established the reality of global warming
(2) the role of human activity and natural cycles in the rapid increase of global warming in the 20th and 21st centuries
(3) the effects of global warming on climate, dramatic weather events, rising sea levels and island inundations, and other unnatural disasters during this period. We would also welcome a separate, although, balanced analysis of how government authorities, especially in the USNA, responded to the threat of global warming during the first three decades of the 21st century.
Johannesburg Earth Summit of 2002
A reader sent us an early 21st century critique of the Johannesburg Earth Summit of 2002.
Readers are invited to submit additional potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the Johannesburg Summit of 2002.
Readers are invited to submit additional potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the Johannesburg Summit of 2002.
World-wide Flu Pandemics of the Early 21st Century
Little is known about these pandemics beyond the Authorities’ propagandistic account of the success of anti-viral medicines and vaccines. However, it has long been suspected that tens of millions died before effective medicines and vaccines were developed because the world’s richest nations tragically under-funded efforts to control the development of human flu strains in the poorer countries where they originated as avian flus.
Readers are invited to submit additional potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the emergence of flu pandemics in the early 21st century and the belated efforts to control the emergence of deadly human strains of the flu.
Readers are invited to submit additional potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the emergence of flu pandemics in the early 21st century and the belated efforts to control the emergence of deadly human strains of the flu.
African AIDS Pandemic of the Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries
Articles on the African AIDS Pandemic received to date have tended to be exceptionalistic, (i.e. written as though the AIDS problem in Africa was a uniquely African problem, caused primarily by distinctly African sexual behaviors and attitudes), rather than universalistic (i.e. identifying factors in the spread of AIDS that apply to all societies and characteristics of global economics and politics that exacerbated the AIDS Pandemic in impoverished populations, whether in Africa, Asia, Europe, or the Americas.)
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on a universalistic analysis the African AIDS pandemic.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on a universalistic analysis the African AIDS pandemic.
World-wide Life Expectancies (1900-2075)
We have been unable to obtain reliable data on increasing life world-wide expectancy, 1900-2075, broken down by country.
Readers with access to such information are invited to submit it, indicating sources.
Readers with access to such information are invited to submit it, indicating sources.
United Nations Resolution Restricting Direct Civilian Use of Fossil Fuels (2021)
While the results of this historic UN resolution are well known, the real story of how it came about and the unfortunate role of the USNA in attempting to block its passage are lost to history (and the censors).
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on the UN resolution of 2021 to restrict the use of fossil fuels.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on the UN resolution of 2021 to restrict the use of fossil fuels.
Preparation for the Great Change outside the USNA
While Official accounts of this period of enormous change, from its inception in 2021 through its total implementation world-wide around 2040, claim that this was accomplished with the courageous cooperation of nearly all the people’s of the world, the truth is not quite that simple, or glorious. However, reliable accounts of this period have been hard to come by. To date, submissions to the Holopedia by readers have tended to be scattershot and, in some cases, suspect; i.e. long on details about the steps purportedly taken in individual countries, short on analysis or skepticism about some of these alleged preparations.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries that take a broader view of this period of preparation globally and that can distinguish between steps that were actually taken and propaganda promulgated by Authorities in some of these nations.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries that take a broader view of this period of preparation globally and that can distinguish between steps that were actually taken and propaganda promulgated by Authorities in some of these nations.
Radical Islamic Jihad of the Early 21st Century
Thousands of conflicting articles have been written about the Radical Islamic Jihad of the Early 21st Century. These have tended to fall into two camps: those written by Westerners with an incomplete understanding of Islam and those written by Moslems with an incomplete understanding of capitalism, especially as practiced in the former USA. For Westerners wishing to bridge this gap, the editors of the Holopedia strongly recommend that you try to locate Karen Armstrong’s excellent book, Islam: A Short History, which provides an historical understanding of Islam and its position vis à vis Western capitalism in the 19th-21st centuries.
Karen Armstrong on Islam
We have been fortunate to have found an early 21st Century interview with Karen Armstrong regarding Islam.
Although hundreds of thousands of articles may be found on the attacks of 9/11/2001 by elements of the Radical Islamic Jihad and Al Kaida, in particular, what is missing, it seems to the editors of the Holopedia, is a sound politico-economic analysis of these events that moves beyond the pathos of the victims and the actions of the perpetrators of these attacks.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries that provide such an analysis of the events of 9/11/2001.
One of the better accounts of the actual events is the Report of the 9/11 Commission, although the version you are most likely to find suffers from having been censored (allegedly for reasons of homeland security) by USA authorities at the time of its original publication. It was known even at the time that the primary reason for this censorship was to cover up the mishandling of homeland security by the current and previous USA administrations.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries that provide such an analysis of the events of 9/11/2001.
One of the better accounts of the actual events is the Report of the 9/11 Commission, although the version you are most likely to find suffers from having been censored (allegedly for reasons of homeland security) by USA authorities at the time of its original publication. It was known even at the time that the primary reason for this censorship was to cover up the mishandling of homeland security by the current and previous USA administrations.
9/11 Commission Report

Here is a hypertext, searchable version of the 9/11 Commission Report.
Here is a PDF version of the entire report.
Her is an HTML version of every page of the report.
Contemporary Critiques of the 9/11 Commission Report
A contributor recently located in the holosphere the following critique of the 9/11 Commission Report. It lists in detail some of the information the author alleges was withheld from the report.
We have also obtained a political critique of the 9/11 Commission Report and its attempt to cover up the complicity of the USA authorities in the attacks and its irresponsible response to those attacks.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries that provide additional critiques or defenses of the 9/11 Commission Report.
We have also obtained a political critique of the 9/11 Commission Report and its attempt to cover up the complicity of the USA authorities in the attacks and its irresponsible response to those attacks.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries that provide additional critiques or defenses of the 9/11 Commission Report.
New York Times
Archival issues of the New York Times, an independent newspaper of the time, may still be floating around in holospace. Unfortunately in an attempt to limit access to such opinion pieces to an educated and wealthy elite, articles by the NYT political pundits (called op-ed columnists at the time) were available only to readers with membership passwords. These passwords may or may not still be operative, as the Times, like all independent newspapers, no longer exists except as an Authority mouthpiece.
USNA’s Belated Preparation for the Great Change
Very little reliable information is available on the USNA’s tragically belated preparation for the Great Change, for obvious reasons. USNA censors have replaced such information with patently absurd propagandistic accounts of the patriotic and heroic efforts of its leaders and citizens.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries that provide verifiable information on this tragic period in USA and USNA history, which really dates back to the fuel shortages resulting from the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973, and includes the scandalous energy policies of the late 20th century and early 21st century America, which were dictated by U.S. energy and automobile corporations, as well as the missed opportunities of the US government to recognize the coming energy crisis signaled by major electricity blackouts and hurricane damage to oil refineries in the first years of the new century.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries that provide verifiable information on this tragic period in USA and USNA history, which really dates back to the fuel shortages resulting from the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973, and includes the scandalous energy policies of the late 20th century and early 21st century America, which were dictated by U.S. energy and automobile corporations, as well as the missed opportunities of the US government to recognize the coming energy crisis signaled by major electricity blackouts and hurricane damage to oil refineries in the first years of the new century.
Arab Oil Embargo of 1973
The following Wikipedia entry is a good place to start in getting the basic facts of the Arab Oil Embargo
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 and, if possible, other information on the shaping of the 20th Century middle-east from its 19th century colonial period through the withdrawal of most western interests in 2030. Particular attention to the machinations of England, France, Russia/Soviet Union, and the U.S.A. would be highly useful.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 and, if possible, other information on the shaping of the 20th Century middle-east from its 19th century colonial period through the withdrawal of most western interests in 2030. Particular attention to the machinations of England, France, Russia/Soviet Union, and the U.S.A. would be highly useful.
U.S.A. Energy Policies at the Turn of the Century
Although much has been written about the profligate use of fossil fuels in the world, and the USA in particular, at the turn of the century, most of this information and analysis has been suppressed by the Authorities, especially information regarding the role of U.S. energy and automobile corporations in determining U.S. energy policies.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on U.S.A energy policies at the turn of the century. Of particular interest are:
(1) the failure of the U.S. government to promote energy conservation by establishing even modest fuel efficiency standards for automobiles or tax incentives for business and home energy conservation measures
(2) the failure of the government and the energy industry to carry out research, development, and implementation of renewable energy sources
(3) the excessive windfall profits reaped by energy companies in the wake of growing fuel shortages
(4) the government’s complicity in promoting highly profitable oil and coal extraction projects in areas (such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) and by methods (such as mountain top removal coal mining) that destroyed important national resources with only modest positive impact on energy shortages.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on U.S.A energy policies at the turn of the century. Of particular interest are:
(1) the failure of the U.S. government to promote energy conservation by establishing even modest fuel efficiency standards for automobiles or tax incentives for business and home energy conservation measures
(2) the failure of the government and the energy industry to carry out research, development, and implementation of renewable energy sources
(3) the excessive windfall profits reaped by energy companies in the wake of growing fuel shortages
(4) the government’s complicity in promoting highly profitable oil and coal extraction projects in areas (such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) and by methods (such as mountain top removal coal mining) that destroyed important national resources with only modest positive impact on energy shortages.
Electricity Blackouts at the Turn of the Century
Throughout the first decade of the 21st century, the U.S.A. was plagued by a series of rolling and
complete blackouts due to a combination of: grossly, and some have suggested, deliberately, ineffective government regulation; and mismanagement and/or deliberate manipulation of electricity availability by energy companies, which profited enormously from price spikes in the wake of artificially induced shortages. This corporate tactic was, at the time, called Enroning, named after the company most noted for its use.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on any and all aspects of electricity blackouts at the turn of the century.
complete blackouts due to a combination of: grossly, and some have suggested, deliberately, ineffective government regulation; and mismanagement and/or deliberate manipulation of electricity availability by energy companies, which profited enormously from price spikes in the wake of artificially induced shortages. This corporate tactic was, at the time, called Enroning, named after the company most noted for its use.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on any and all aspects of electricity blackouts at the turn of the century.
Hurricane Damage to Oil Refineries at the Turn of the Century
A series of annual hurricanes, beginning with Hurricane Katrina in 2005, heavily damaged U.S.A. energy refineries, which were heavily concentrated in the Gulf of Mexico. As a result, prices of gasoline for cars, natural gas for home heating, and of virtually all goods, including food, rose to unsustainable levels, causing severe hardship among homeowners, commuting workers, and working-class consumers. Tragically and, to many inexplicably, the oil companies did not build new refineries in safer areas of the country.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on any and hurricane damage to Gulf area oil refineries with particular emphasis on the failure of oil companies to build new ones in safer areas.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on any and hurricane damage to Gulf area oil refineries with particular emphasis on the failure of oil companies to build new ones in safer areas.
World-wide Civil Wars
There is no written record of the civil wars that raged during the Great Change in which many millions were said to have perished.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on any of these civil wars. Of particular interest are the civil wars that occurred in the Balkans, the Caucasus, the middle-east, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America, where ethnic strife was said to have exacerbated the tensions between warring factions, resulting in massacres and other unspeakable horrors.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on any of these civil wars. Of particular interest are the civil wars that occurred in the Balkans, the Caucasus, the middle-east, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America, where ethnic strife was said to have exacerbated the tensions between warring factions, resulting in massacres and other unspeakable horrors.
USNA History: Secession and Armed Skirmishes
While the Authorities have managed to expunge official accounts of the secession and armed skirmishes that took place in the USNA in 2026, oral histories have kept alive accounts of this sad period in American history.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on the secessions and armed skirmishes of this period. Of particular interest would be first person accounts by participants.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on the secessions and armed skirmishes of this period. Of particular interest would be first person accounts by participants.
21st Century Vehicles
Detailed information on 21st Century fossil-fuel powered vehicles is entirely obsolete and probably of little interest to readers today. However, the following links to early 21st century photos of such vehicles may be of interest.
(1) cars
(2) busses
(3) trains
(4) airplanes
(1) cars
(2) busses
(3) trains
(4) airplanes
History of the United Nations (1945-2031)
While there is a great deal of information available on the history of the United Nations from its inception until its demise in 2032, most of that information is propaganda promulgated either by the U.N. itself, or its apologists, or its detractors. None of it is believed to be particularly reliable.
Readers are invited to submit Holopedia or surviving Wikipedia entries on the history of the United Nations from its founding in 1945 to its disoltion in 2031.
Readers are invited to submit Holopedia or surviving Wikipedia entries on the history of the United Nations from its founding in 1945 to its disoltion in 2031.
Photos of ATVs used by Authority police and military personnel are unavailable due to security regulations, but here are photos of similar vehicles from the early 21st century at which time ordinary citizens owned and operated them freely.
Photos of ultralights used by Authority police and military personnel are unavailable due to security regulations, but here are photos of similar vehicles from the early 21st century at which time ordinary citizens owned and operated them freely.
End of the Hydrocarbon Age
The year 2030 is considered by most modern historians to mark the end of the Hydrocarbon Age and the beginning of the Virtual Age. That was the year by which almost every government in the world had decreed that individual citizens could no longer directly use the Earth’s nearly depleted supply of fossil fuels; what remained of coal, oil, and natural gas reserves would be allocated exclusively to government agencies (especially law enforcement and the military) and to companies authorized to manufacture or transport food and other necessities to its citizens.
In fact by 2020, the leaders of most countries (with the glaring exception of the isolationist USNA, which had a centuries-long history of “going its own way”) had recognized that fossil fuels were about to run out after two decades of exponentially increasing energy use. This extraordinary demand for energy was largely driven by industrialization and runaway consumerism in highly populous formerly agricultural countries like China, India, and Indonesia and by the inability of the so-called developed countries to curb their appetites for petroleum-guzzling private automobiles, cavernous stand-alone single-family homes (dubbed McMansions at the time), frequent non-essential air travel, and a dizzying array of unnecessary consumer products. Thus, in 2021, most countries, in keeping with United Nations resolutions, passed draconian laws that greatly restricted civilian use of fossil fuels, strictly enforced energy conservation measures, and began to re-establish communities that did not depend on petroleum-based transportation of people and products. Over the next decade, super highways fell into disuse, international airports were closed, and waterways became the primary means of transporting products, leading to The Great Change.
In the USNA, meanwhile, fossil fuel shortages and rapidly-rising fuel prices that had begun in 2005 intensified dramatically over the next two decades, leading to widespread anger at profiteering energy companies and the Republicrat administrations that protected their interests under the pretext of homeland security.
In rural and suburban areas of the USNA this anger was expressed primarily in the voting booth where neo-Populist politicians were elected to congress on promises that they would limit federal government interference with the states and state laws were passed that limited the interference of the states in individual lives. The result was a highly destructive and peculiarly American reactionary movement, neo-Anarchism , which took the position of “every family for itself” in an era that required exactly the opposite---extraordinary cooperation and mutual sacrifice.
In most urban areas of the USNA, something quite different, but equally dangerous was occurring; as the prices for food and other necessities that required fuel for their manufacture and transport climbed ever higher (compounded by uncontrolled inflation in health care costs), vast numbers of previously middle-class people became working-poor, many of them going into personal bankruptcy, losing their homes to mortgage foreclosures, and having to make choices between feeding their families and expenditures for any other purpose. The reduction of all but critical spending by so many people set off wide-spread collapse of many sectors of the cities’ economies, including: restaurants, private transportation services, and most retail stores. This in turn led to widespread lay-offs, so that soon the working poor were no longer working. Largely African-American cities like Newark, Detroit, Cleveland, Philadelphia, and Gary virtually stopped functioning, leaving its entire populace in the sort of grinding poverty and hopelessness more commonly associated with famine-ridden regions in Africa. Meanwhile, the wealthy continued to become wealthier, as their energy, food, and tech stocks flourished. As the gap between the very rich and everyone else became a highly visible and unbreachable chasm, the inevitable occurred: unchecked urban riots and looting, which, when it spread to the wealthier suburbs, was countered by repressive law enforcement by the all-powerful Department of Homeland Security.
Finally, however, in 2030, the USNA fragmented into more than a dozen smaller countries and city-states all of which joined with the rest of the world in totally banning individual citizens’ use of fossil fuels. However, by that time, with the exception of progressive and foresighted countries like New Vermont and wealthy city-states like New York, much of the former USNA was far behind most of the rest of the world in creating the infrastructure for this “brave new world.”
Although many scientists, especially those in the field of Global Sustainability Planning, had for many years warned of the imminent depletion of fossil fuels, when it actually happened, it appeared to come as a colossal surprise to most American lay people, who had been reassured by the Authorities for years that alternative energy sources would solve the energy crisis long before fossil fuels ran out. Among those touted by the authorities in the first two decades of the century were: traditional nuclear fission cold-fusion nuclear energy, solar energy, wind power, geothermal energy, hydro-electric power, hydrogen fuel cells, synfuels from coal, and gasohol from corn that could be grown in abundance almost anywhere.
What few ordinary Americans citizens realized, and what politicians in the USNA hadn’t had the courage (or honesty) to reveal to voters, was that the world’s swollen population of forty billion with its dramatically growing and energy-dependent standard of living would far outpace companies’ and most governments’ abilities to shift to other forms of energy. So, for example, by 2020, the world was so low on fossil fuels that it couldn’t manufacture the fertilizer needed to efficiently grow corn for gasohol or cost-effectively mine, ship, and convert coal to synfuels. Moreover, although renewable sources of energy produced by efficient solar panels and huge wind-generators had helped meet the energy needs of some of the Earth's less densely populated regions, they couldn't put a dent in the needs of the world's burgeoning city-states. Similarly, natural energy sources like geothermal and hydroelectric power were, and still are, so limited and their transport so costly and inefficient that, even today, they can, at best, meet the energy requirements of their immediate regions like the exclusive gated enclaves of Greater Niagara Falls and Yellowstone Park .
In contrast to the laissez-fair approach taken by the USNA throughout the first two decades of the century, the European Union, India, and the New People’s Republic of China, through careful planning and timely investment, were initially, at least, successful at producing enough energy from newly constructed, relatively safe and efficient nuclear power plants. The latter have continued their safe and innovative nuclear power programs to this day. However, in the 2020s, Europeans turned against nuclear power when meltdowns at several technically substandard nuclear power plants in the former Soviet Union led to the deaths of tens of thousands and poisonous radioactive fallout that rained down across the European continent. Although accounts of these meltdowns have been largely expunged from the authorized historical record, you may be able to find individual citizen-witness accounts of earlier, 20th century nuclear power plant disasters like the one at Chernobyl in Ukraine .
In the USNA, meanwhile, anti-nuclear energy sentiment in the first decade of the century was very high as a result of the shocking attacks on several of its large urban centers by terrorist groups using “dirty bombs,” laden with radioactive material stolen from nuclear waste dumps and inadequately protected nuclear sites in the former Soviet Union. Although the actual damage caused by the radioactivity was slight, the panic that ensued killed thousands and seriously disrupted the nation’s economy and the lives of millions. There ensued nearly a decade of debate among environmentalists, private industry, and USNA government officials over the construction of new nuclear power plants, so that when the severe energy crisis of 2015 hit, the USNA ended up pursuing a disastrous and short-sighted policy of re-commissioning older (1970s era), unsafe nuclear power plants .
The result is well known to all: meltdowns and explosions in a half-dozen of American nuclear power plants over a 10 year period, leading to the deaths and serious illness of thousands. And worse was to come with the discovery in 2025 that, for nearly 20 years, tons of nuclear waste stored in various sites in the USNA southwest had been leaking into the water supply, initially resulting in tens of thousands of deaths from radiation poisoning among those living in the immediate areas.
Much of the population of the southwest had, by this time, already left due to the near impossibility of providing adequate power for air conditioning and the rapidly diminishing water supplies to support the vast population resulting from overdevelopment. Now, however, the radioactive contamination of much of the remaining water supplies forced the government to order the complete abandonment of the entire southwest, leaving it an arid land of hundreds of ghost towns and cities. Gone were the cities of Phoenix, Tucson, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, El Paso, Juarez, and all the smaller cities and towns of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, west Texas, and northern Mexico.
As a result, the Hydrocarbon Age did not give way to a Nuclear Energy Age in most of the world, but rather to a Virtual Age.
In fact by 2020, the leaders of most countries (with the glaring exception of the isolationist USNA, which had a centuries-long history of “going its own way”) had recognized that fossil fuels were about to run out after two decades of exponentially increasing energy use. This extraordinary demand for energy was largely driven by industrialization and runaway consumerism in highly populous formerly agricultural countries like China, India, and Indonesia and by the inability of the so-called developed countries to curb their appetites for petroleum-guzzling private automobiles, cavernous stand-alone single-family homes (dubbed McMansions at the time), frequent non-essential air travel, and a dizzying array of unnecessary consumer products. Thus, in 2021, most countries, in keeping with United Nations resolutions, passed draconian laws that greatly restricted civilian use of fossil fuels, strictly enforced energy conservation measures, and began to re-establish communities that did not depend on petroleum-based transportation of people and products. Over the next decade, super highways fell into disuse, international airports were closed, and waterways became the primary means of transporting products, leading to The Great Change.
In the USNA, meanwhile, fossil fuel shortages and rapidly-rising fuel prices that had begun in 2005 intensified dramatically over the next two decades, leading to widespread anger at profiteering energy companies and the Republicrat administrations that protected their interests under the pretext of homeland security.
In rural and suburban areas of the USNA this anger was expressed primarily in the voting booth where neo-Populist politicians were elected to congress on promises that they would limit federal government interference with the states and state laws were passed that limited the interference of the states in individual lives. The result was a highly destructive and peculiarly American reactionary movement, neo-Anarchism , which took the position of “every family for itself” in an era that required exactly the opposite---extraordinary cooperation and mutual sacrifice.
In most urban areas of the USNA, something quite different, but equally dangerous was occurring; as the prices for food and other necessities that required fuel for their manufacture and transport climbed ever higher (compounded by uncontrolled inflation in health care costs), vast numbers of previously middle-class people became working-poor, many of them going into personal bankruptcy, losing their homes to mortgage foreclosures, and having to make choices between feeding their families and expenditures for any other purpose. The reduction of all but critical spending by so many people set off wide-spread collapse of many sectors of the cities’ economies, including: restaurants, private transportation services, and most retail stores. This in turn led to widespread lay-offs, so that soon the working poor were no longer working. Largely African-American cities like Newark, Detroit, Cleveland, Philadelphia, and Gary virtually stopped functioning, leaving its entire populace in the sort of grinding poverty and hopelessness more commonly associated with famine-ridden regions in Africa. Meanwhile, the wealthy continued to become wealthier, as their energy, food, and tech stocks flourished. As the gap between the very rich and everyone else became a highly visible and unbreachable chasm, the inevitable occurred: unchecked urban riots and looting, which, when it spread to the wealthier suburbs, was countered by repressive law enforcement by the all-powerful Department of Homeland Security.
Finally, however, in 2030, the USNA fragmented into more than a dozen smaller countries and city-states all of which joined with the rest of the world in totally banning individual citizens’ use of fossil fuels. However, by that time, with the exception of progressive and foresighted countries like New Vermont and wealthy city-states like New York, much of the former USNA was far behind most of the rest of the world in creating the infrastructure for this “brave new world.”
Although many scientists, especially those in the field of Global Sustainability Planning, had for many years warned of the imminent depletion of fossil fuels, when it actually happened, it appeared to come as a colossal surprise to most American lay people, who had been reassured by the Authorities for years that alternative energy sources would solve the energy crisis long before fossil fuels ran out. Among those touted by the authorities in the first two decades of the century were: traditional nuclear fission cold-fusion nuclear energy, solar energy, wind power, geothermal energy, hydro-electric power, hydrogen fuel cells, synfuels from coal, and gasohol from corn that could be grown in abundance almost anywhere.
What few ordinary Americans citizens realized, and what politicians in the USNA hadn’t had the courage (or honesty) to reveal to voters, was that the world’s swollen population of forty billion with its dramatically growing and energy-dependent standard of living would far outpace companies’ and most governments’ abilities to shift to other forms of energy. So, for example, by 2020, the world was so low on fossil fuels that it couldn’t manufacture the fertilizer needed to efficiently grow corn for gasohol or cost-effectively mine, ship, and convert coal to synfuels. Moreover, although renewable sources of energy produced by efficient solar panels and huge wind-generators had helped meet the energy needs of some of the Earth's less densely populated regions, they couldn't put a dent in the needs of the world's burgeoning city-states. Similarly, natural energy sources like geothermal and hydroelectric power were, and still are, so limited and their transport so costly and inefficient that, even today, they can, at best, meet the energy requirements of their immediate regions like the exclusive gated enclaves of Greater Niagara Falls and Yellowstone Park .
In contrast to the laissez-fair approach taken by the USNA throughout the first two decades of the century, the European Union, India, and the New People’s Republic of China, through careful planning and timely investment, were initially, at least, successful at producing enough energy from newly constructed, relatively safe and efficient nuclear power plants. The latter have continued their safe and innovative nuclear power programs to this day. However, in the 2020s, Europeans turned against nuclear power when meltdowns at several technically substandard nuclear power plants in the former Soviet Union led to the deaths of tens of thousands and poisonous radioactive fallout that rained down across the European continent. Although accounts of these meltdowns have been largely expunged from the authorized historical record, you may be able to find individual citizen-witness accounts of earlier, 20th century nuclear power plant disasters like the one at Chernobyl in Ukraine .
In the USNA, meanwhile, anti-nuclear energy sentiment in the first decade of the century was very high as a result of the shocking attacks on several of its large urban centers by terrorist groups using “dirty bombs,” laden with radioactive material stolen from nuclear waste dumps and inadequately protected nuclear sites in the former Soviet Union. Although the actual damage caused by the radioactivity was slight, the panic that ensued killed thousands and seriously disrupted the nation’s economy and the lives of millions. There ensued nearly a decade of debate among environmentalists, private industry, and USNA government officials over the construction of new nuclear power plants, so that when the severe energy crisis of 2015 hit, the USNA ended up pursuing a disastrous and short-sighted policy of re-commissioning older (1970s era), unsafe nuclear power plants .
The result is well known to all: meltdowns and explosions in a half-dozen of American nuclear power plants over a 10 year period, leading to the deaths and serious illness of thousands. And worse was to come with the discovery in 2025 that, for nearly 20 years, tons of nuclear waste stored in various sites in the USNA southwest had been leaking into the water supply, initially resulting in tens of thousands of deaths from radiation poisoning among those living in the immediate areas.
Much of the population of the southwest had, by this time, already left due to the near impossibility of providing adequate power for air conditioning and the rapidly diminishing water supplies to support the vast population resulting from overdevelopment. Now, however, the radioactive contamination of much of the remaining water supplies forced the government to order the complete abandonment of the entire southwest, leaving it an arid land of hundreds of ghost towns and cities. Gone were the cities of Phoenix, Tucson, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, El Paso, Juarez, and all the smaller cities and towns of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, west Texas, and northern Mexico.
As a result, the Hydrocarbon Age did not give way to a Nuclear Energy Age in most of the world, but rather to a Virtual Age.
USNA History: Neo-Populism
Because of the vital role neo-Populism played in destroying the balance of power and establishing the single-party rule of the Republicrats in the USNA, USNA authorities so heavily censored detailed information on neo-Populism that the People’s Holopedia has yet to find information on this political movement that its editors regard as reliable.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) Neo-Populism in 21st century USNA
(2) the origins of populism in the 19th and 20th century USA.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) Neo-Populism in 21st century USNA
(2) the origins of populism in the 19th and 20th century USA.
USNA History: Neo-Anarchism
Because of the disastrous role neo-Anarchism played in the ultimate break-up of the USNA, Authorities of the new USA so heavily censored detailed information on neo-Anarchism that the People’s Holopedia has yet to find information on this reactionary movement that its editors regard as reliable.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) Neo-Anarchism in 21st century USNA
(2) the origins of anarchism in the 20th century USA
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) Neo-Anarchism in 21st century USNA
(2) the origins of anarchism in the 20th century USA
USNA History: Department of Homeland Security
Because of the role played by the all-powerful Department of Homeland Security in the brief transformation of the USNA into a police/military nation, Authorities of the new USA so heavily censored detailed information on the Department of Homeland Security that the People’s Holopedia has yet to find information on this repressive and authoritarian governmental body that its editors regard as reliable.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) USNA Department of Homeland Security
(2) the origins of the Department of Homeland Security in the early 21th century USA.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) USNA Department of Homeland Security
(2) the origins of the Department of Homeland Security in the early 21th century USA.
USNA History: Collapse of the USNA (2030)
Little is known about the final collapse of the U.S. This ignorance is due to a total blackout of news by U.S. censors at the time and in the period following the reconstitution of the new USA in that same year.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the collapse of the USNA about the collapse of the USNA and the reconstitution of the new USA.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the collapse of the USNA about the collapse of the USNA and the reconstitution of the new USA.
Alternative energy sources in early 21st century
Because of the failure of the USNA to develop a rational energy policy involving conservation in coordination with any of the hoped for alternative energy sources, detailed discussion of these energy sources and their limitations has been so heavily censored that little reliable information is now available.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the potential and limitations of traditional nuclear fission reactors cold-fusion nuclear reactors, solar energy, wind power, geothermal energy, hydro-electric power, hydrogen fuel cells, synfuels from coal, gasohol)
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the potential and limitations of traditional nuclear fission reactors cold-fusion nuclear reactors, solar energy, wind power, geothermal energy, hydro-electric power, hydrogen fuel cells, synfuels from coal, gasohol)
Chart/Graph of World Population 1900-2030
We have been unable to obtain world population data for the period between 1900 and 2030.
Readers with access to such data are invited to submit it, citing sources if possible.
Readers with access to such data are invited to submit it, citing sources if possible.
Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
We were sent a personal account about Chernobyl from the early 21st century with photos.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on nuclear power plant accidents in the 20th and early 21st centuries.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on nuclear power plant accidents in the 20th and early 21st centuries.
Dirty Bombs
We have been able to obtain a report on dirty bombs from the Authorities from the early 21st century.
Readers are invited to submit additional potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on dirty bombs.
Readers are invited to submit additional potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on dirty bombs.
Terrorists and Nuclear Materials
The following is an early 21st century document warning of dangers of terrorists acquiring nuclear material.
Readers are invited to submit additional potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on terrorist acquisition and use of nuclear materials in the early 21st century.
Readers are invited to submit additional potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on terrorist acquisition and use of nuclear materials in the early 21st century.
Fission-based Nuclear Power
The following is an early 21st century article warning of danger of fission-based nuclear power plants.
Readers are invited to submit additional potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the dangers of fission-based nuclear power plants in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Readers are invited to submit additional potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the dangers of fission-based nuclear power plants in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Nuclear Power Accidents in the USNA
Virtually no information is currently available on these disasters, but we do have an early 21st century article on the dangers of nuclear materials storage.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on nuclear power plant accidents in the USNA in the 21st century.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on nuclear power plant accidents in the USNA in the 21st century.
United States of America (USA)
There is a great deal of information available on the original U.S.A.--- from the voyages of “discovery” in the late 15th century through its emergence as the only true world superpower in the early 21st Century. However, most of the history you will find on the holosphere is either propaganda promulgated by the Authorities or else has been highly censored. If you are fortunate enough to be able to find a holocom or paper-based version of A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn, you will get a good start on learning an account of the history of the USA from 1492 through the end of the 20th century that differs in many respects from the Authorized versions of history with which you are probably familiar.
The following is a link to nine excerpts from A People’s History of the United States on the third world traveler site that also contains other counter-authority materials.
The following is a hyper-linked excerpt from A People’s History of the United States, covering the period 1945-60, which was used in an early 21st century,web-course on The Literature & Culture of the American 1950s. Readers may be interested in exploring this course to understand some of the cultural roots of the 21st century USNA.
The following is a link to nine excerpts from A People’s History of the United States on the third world traveler site that also contains other counter-authority materials.
The following is a hyper-linked excerpt from A People’s History of the United States, covering the period 1945-60, which was used in an early 21st century,web-course on The Literature & Culture of the American 1950s. Readers may be interested in exploring this course to understand some of the cultural roots of the 21st century USNA.
Caribbean Confederation
Formed after major destruction by hurricanes and rising sea levels and the collapse of tourism to the area, little is known to the “outside world” about this confederation of dozens of surviving island nations, all former colonies of European nations and/or “protectorates” of the USA.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the Caribbean Confederation
(2) the history of these islands from pre-Columbian times to the present.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the Caribbean Confederation
(2) the history of these islands from pre-Columbian times to the present.
New Mayan Kingdom of the Yucatan
Formed after the abandonment of the Yucatan by Mexico during the Great Change, very little is known to the “outside world” about the New Mayan Kingdom of the Yucatan.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the New Mayan Kingdom of the Yucatan
(2) the long history of indigenous people’s and civilization of this region.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the New Mayan Kingdom of the Yucatan
(2) the long history of indigenous people’s and civilization of this region.
Timeline & Brief Chronology of the United States 2010-2030
The following timeline and brief chronology has been reconstructed following the destruction by Authority censors of the entire Holopedia and Wikipedia entries on the history of the United States in the 21st Century. As a result of this censorship, we are gradually reassembling that history and so invite readers with knowledge of any of the topics flagged below to submit credible entries for possible inclusion in the Holopedia, including links to appropriate Wikipedia entries that may still exist in the holosphere. Our Editorial Board will carefully consider all submissions, and will include in part or whole any entries they deem credible. The Board reserves the right to make appropriate edits for stylistic consistency and factual corrections in so far as we have knowledge of conflicting facts.
2010– Mexican government withdrawal from USA border
In a military-political-economic retrenchment that was to presage things to come, the Mexican government withdrew services from the entire border with the USA due to uncontrollable drug-trade related violence there and the inability (or unwillingness) of the Mexican military and federal police to stop illegal immigrants from pouring across the border into the USA. Anarchy ensued in which the drug lords were the only law.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on Mexican-American Border Conflicts, including entries on:
(1) the growing problems associated with “illegal” border crossings in the latter part of the 20th century
(2) Mexican police involvement in drug-running, kidnapping, rape, and murder on the border in the first decade of the 21st century
(3) Mexican and USA government policies and practices regarding legal and illegal Mexican migrant workers from the 1940s until 2015
2011– Beginning of abandonment of coastal regions of USA
Following seven consecutive years of multiple Category 5+ hurricanes and unequivocal projections of significantly rising sea levels due to global warming, the coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, the Carolinas, and the Yucatan began to empty out. First, corporations relocated to higher ground, followed by their workers which set up a chain reaction of abandonment by local businesses followed by their workers, and so on. By 2012, only workers involved in the energy and homeland security sectors remained, provisioned by government support agencies.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the abandonment of the American coast
(2) Global warming and category 5 hurricane frequency
(3) Global warming, melting of the polar ice caps, and rising sea levels
2012—Secession of French-speaking Quebec from Canada.
With the exodus of many wealthier English-speaking Canadians to warmer climes, there was a rebirth in the Quebecois separatist movement, resulting in 2009, in Quebec seceding from Canada. In the ensuing years, Quebec was joined in a loose confederation by the Canadian Maritime provinces and the former French Departments of St. Pierre, and Miquelon. Soon after, this French-speaking confederation. which was called Nouvelle France, joined the French Commonwealth and greatly curtailed trade relationships with its English-speaking neighbors, Canada and the USA.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the history of Nouveau France anytime from the beginning of the Quebec Separatist Movement in 1960 to the present, 2078.
2013– Canada seals its actual and virtual borders with the USA
Canada closed its actual and virtual borders with the USA in an effort to prevent: (1) population flight from frigid Canada to the warmer regions of the USA ; (2) armies of unemployed and under-employed U.S. citizens from crossing into Canada to work jobs that paid in more valuable Canadian dollars: and (3) U.S. citizens from draining the Canadian market of low-cost pharmaceuticals and using fake Canadian IDs to obtain desperately needed (and free) medical care. The Canadian government accomplished this blockade by erecting a 3000-mile long invisible electro-magnetic fence that prevented vehicles and people from crossing the US-Canadian border and by blocking all Internet traffic (including financial transactions) between the two countries.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on The Great Canadian Border Closings of 2013.
2014 – Yucatan Peninsula abandoned by Mexico
The Mexican government withdrew all federal services, including military and police, from the region east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec when the growing fossil-fuel crisis on top of persistent hurricane damage effectively ended tourism on the Yucatan peninsula, leaving it a ghost region of empty luxury hotels, restaurants, and tourist shops.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on Mexican History: The Collapse of the Yucatan Economy (2010-2014)
Also a factor in the withdrawal of the Mexican military was its defeat at the hands of Mayan rebels in the adjoining state of Chiapas.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on Mexican History, especially the Chiapas Uprising anytime from its inception in the 1990s to its conclusion in 2014.
2014– USA military incursion into Mexico
The USA Military moved into major population centers of Mexican states on its border and engaged in series of violent confrontations with drug gangs. This military incursion set off a major diplomatic and potential military crisis between the USNA and Mexican governments, which was resolved early the next year when the Mexican government ceded to the USA the Mexican border states of Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahau, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipa.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1)The Mexican Border Crisis of 2014
(2) Historical background of military conflicts involving the two countries in the 19th century (Mexican-American War) and the 20th century (General Pershing’s “Punitive Expedition” to retaliate against Pancho Villa’s attacks in New Mexico, USA)
2015– Absorption of Mexican border states into the USA
The Mexican border states of Baja California, Sonora, and Chihuahau were easily absorbed into the states of California, Arizona, and New Mexico, respectively. However, in a statewide referendum, the Anglo voters of Texas (under the banner of "No more greasers!"), narrowly out-voted the Hispanic voters in refusing to accept the Mexican states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipa as part of their territory. In 2016, these states were combined and admitted to the Union as a single state, which was named Nueva Tejas (from an Indian word meaning "friendly") in an unsubtle, ironic rejoinder to the racist rejection by the Anglo voters of Texas. (Note: The acceptance of Nueva Tejas as a state was made politically easier as a counterbalance to the loss of Hawaii, which had seceded from the Union in mid-2016; see below.)
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on:
(1) The absorption of the Mexican border states into the U.S.
(2) Anti-in-migration laws adopted during this period by states bordering on Mexico and Canada, including the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Hernandez v. The State of Texas, which affirmed a state’s right to pass and enforce such laws
2016– Hawaiian Secession
After a five-year period of mass migration from Hawaii to California, as the tourism-dependent Hawaiian economy collapsed, the remaining citizens, mostly native and mixed-blood Hawaiians, voted to secede from the Union, the first state do so since the American Civil War.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) The Hawaiian Secession
(2) Historical background on how Hawaii became first an American Territory and later an American State
(3) The treatment of native Hawaiians by Anglos throughout its history
2017– Abandonment of the Southwestern U.S.
The enormous cost of electricity for air-conditioning and rapidly diminishing water supplies led to mass migration of Anglos from the desert regions of the U.S. southwest, including much of New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, virtually all of the area of the former Mexican states that had been incorporated into the U.S., and the less populated southern sections of Colorado, California, and Texas. These areas became thinly populated de facto Native American reserves, governed primarily by tribal councils and police with only nominal assistance from state or U.S. federal authorities. As a result of the enormous population loss, the once powerful states of New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah, lost significant representation in the US Congress, shifting the balance of power in the West temporarily to the mid-sections of California, Colorado, and Texas. (See 2024: 31st Amendment, below.)
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the history of the over-development of the American southwest in the late 20th and early 21st centuries and its subsequent abandonment when water and low-cost fuel supplies were insufficient to support those burgeoning populations
(2) the brief significant shift in the balance of power in Congress following the 2020 census until 2023.
2018– Federalization of all U.S. energy resources
The U.S. government federalized all lands and offshore sources of oil, coal, and natural gas and entered into lucrative agreements with energy companies to extract and refine fuels without environmental regulations.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on: the role of energy companies in USA foreign and domestic policies from the 19th century through 2030. We are especially interested in credible information and analysis of “big oil” interests that may have come to play:
(1) during and immediately after World War I
(2) in shaping the geopolitics of the middle-East in the 20th century
(3) as a major factor leading to the Gulf Wars of the late 20th and early 21st centuries
(4) in determining the fatally flawed energy policies of the U.S. and USNA (see below) from the late 20th century to 2030
2019– Indigenous American uprisings
Alaskan Native Peoples protested government seizure of their lands involved in the federalization of energy resources. These protests spread and grew, as indigenous peoples throughout the U.S., Mexico, and Canada rose up in sometimes violent protest against hundreds of years of land-grabs and broken treaties by white/gringo governments in those countries.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the long history of American, Canadian, and Mexican land grabs from and broken treaties with indigenous peoples
(2) the so-called “Indian Uprisings” of 2019-20
(3) historical background of other uprisings by indigenous peoples in the Americas in the 19th and 20th centuries
2020– Native American land rights treaties
In response to widespread “Indian Uprisings,” the governments of the United States, Canada, and Mexico signed a series of Native American Land Rights Treaties with various tribes, ceding to them vast areas of Alaska, the Canadian Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and the Yukon, as well as most of the prairie states of the U.S., and those areas of Mexico occupied primarily by Mayan and other Mexican natives. These treaties all permitted energy companies from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico to retain exclusive fuel, mineral, and water rights to these lands and for these countries to maintain military posts to protect corporately owned mines, wells, refineries, pipelines, and other transport systems such as rail lines and highways.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on:
(1) the infamous Native American Land Rights Treaties of 2020
(2) the role of military posts in controlling the lives of indigenous peoples on their own lands from 2020 to 2030
2021– U.S. withdrawal from the United Nations
The U.S. withdrew from the UN, the last straw being the Security Council vote to legally restrict individual citizens and unapproved businesses from using fossil fuels. (The UN moved its headquarters to Jerusalem, where it remained until its collapse in 2031.)
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) The United Nations from its inception in 1945 until its demise in 2031 including the role of the U.S. as the UN’s greatest supporter and its greatest detractor
(2) Historical background on the League of Nations, proposed by the USA President Woodrow Wilson, but fatally undermined by the refusal of the U.S. Congress to approve American participation in the League
2022– Out-migration from the northern tier of the U.S. and Canada
Skyrocketing heating fuel and gasoline costs led to gradual, but substantive out-migration of middle and working-class families from Northeastern and Great Lakes suburban and rural areas of the U.S. and Canada to rapidly growing cities in the more temperate states of the mid-Atlantic and Appalachia. Poor and working poor in the northeast and Great Lakes region became concentrated almost exclusively in large cities (in the U.S.: New York City, Buffalo, Rochester, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Newark, Jersey City, Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, Akron, Detroit, Milwaukee, St. Paul-Minneapolis, Gary, Indianapolis, and in Canada: Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa, Mississauga, Brampton, and Winnipeg), all of which featured cost-effective public transportation systems and energy-efficient high-rise apartment buildings, but little in the way of job opportunities. This situation soon became explosive.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on:
(1) Southward migration of middle and working class families throughout the 2020s
(2) The emergence of mega-ghettos of the poor in the cities of the northeast and the U.S. and Canadian Great Lakes regions throughout the 2020s
2023– Far-west secession
California led a chain of secessions from the U.S., followed soon thereafter by Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, which together formed a loosely knit Western American Confederation, more a free-trade zone than a shared government. Factors contributing to California’s secession reflected the disparate political, ethnic, and class make-up of California: (1) right-wing/working class anger and resentment toward Mexican immigrants who continued to pour in over California’s borders despite state laws making such in-migration illegal; (2) liberal frustration with the isolationist stance taken by the U.S. in withdrawing from the United Nations, (upon secession, California immediately applied for UN membership and signed Asian-Pacific free-trade and security treaties with China, Japan, Oceania, and others); (3) eco-rad disgust with U.S. domestic policies regarding energy, health care, the environment, and individual rights; and, (4) perhaps most importantly, the enmity of California’s influential business community and government leaders toward a federal government that consistently failed to provide needed economic and technical assistance to a state shaken by ten years of catastrophic earthquakes along the San Andreas Fault, which all but divided the state geologically into a narrow, but populous Pacific strip and a much wider and less populous East-of-the-Fault region.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the Far West Secessions
(2) the history of earthquakes in the far west
(3) Kalifornia's Krazy Kulture [Note: this entry made by an anonymous, unregistered individual]
2024– The 31st Amendment
In a deal to prevent the Southwestern states from joining the many other states that had already seceded, the 31st Amendment was passed, restoring lost seats in the House of Representatives to the population-depleted states of the southwest. Under this amendment, the basis for the number of members of the House of Representatives from each state was radically changed. Instead of being entirely population-based ("one person, one vote"), the number of representatives was now to be based on the newly defined concept of “population-potential.” This involved a formula that recognized both a state’s actual population and the population it had supported prior to mass out-migration.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on the four constitutional amendments that passed during the tumultuous second decade of the century.:
(1) the 28th Amendment: redefinition of the separation of powers, greatly strengthening the Executive Branch and weakening the Judiciary
(2) the 29th Amendment: establishment of the Department of Homeland Security as a Super-Department, incorporating the former Department of Defense, the FBI, the CIA, and all other national security agencies
(3) the 30th Amendment: permitting the suspension by the President of all provisions of the Bill of Rights, all state laws, and the majority of federal laws in the case of national emergencies
(4) the 31st Amendment: redefinition of the basis for a state's seats in the House of Representatives
2025– Total abandonment of the American Southwest
Its population already decimated by the near impossibility of providing air conditioning, the southwest received the coup de grace when it was discovered that for a decade nuclear waste facilities in Utah and Nevada had been leaking highly radioactive materials into the water supply of the region. The U.S. government ordered all its citizens to permanently evacuate those parts of Arizona and New Mexico still occupied by Anglos, although Native American tribes were exempted from the order and left to fend for themselves. Evacuation was also mandatory in significant portions of Utah, Nevada, Colorado, and Texas. In addition, many others from areas in these states designated as "unaffected" left of their own volition, no longer trusting the government’s word for their safety. Nevertheless, under the 31st Amendment, these largely abandoned states retained their sizable number of members of the House of Representatives.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the abandonment of the Southwest
(2) the history of the over-development of the southwest during the later quarter of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, with particular attention to water and power resources
2026– Secession of states in the northern tier of the U.S.
Much of the population of New England, the Great Lakes region, and the northern plains states had by now relocated to the center and southern parts of the country due to the near impossibility of heating homes and businesses in winter. In 2026, the federal government ordered those remaining in most parts of these states to leave as well. Citizens in many of these states refused to relocate and resisted military and police action to force them to do so. Armed skirmishes broke out and the U.S. withdrew its troops, as well as its support for those who chose to stay. Vermont, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Indian territories of the Dakotas, Montana, and Idaho seceded without further military response by the U.S.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the secessions of 2026
(2) prior secessionist movements in the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly during the American Civil War of 1860-65
2027– Formation of new nations and city-states
New Vermont became a nation, incorporating portions of western New Hampshire, upstate New York, and northern Maine. Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and Gary, among others emerged as city-states, dominated by African-Americans. Idaho and Montana merged, forming The Aryan Nation, a largely rural, military nation of white supremacists; declaring themselves to be unfettered by previous U.S. treaties with Native American tribes, they expelled all non-whites from their country. Canada, meanwhile, was rocked by these events in the U.S.; Southern Ontario became a nation of largely English-speaking Caucasians, many of who fled from the U.S. cities now dominated by African-Americans; Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba were absorbed into the growing Native American tribal lands of the American prarie.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the formation of new nations and city-states during this period
(2) armed conflicts between the Aryan Nation and neighboring Indian tribes, supported by the African-American city-states of the Great Lakes
(3) the history of black-white relations throughout the history of the U.S.
2028–Indigenous peoples' recovery of most land lost in the previous three centuries
Most of the new nations and city-states signed treaties with indigenous tribes in which they deeded over rural areas to them, while retaining natural resource exploitation rights. The tribes repopulated many of these areas.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the land treaties of 2028
(2) resettlement by indigenous tribes and their return to self-sufficiency and stewardship of the land.
2029-– The U.S. struggle to survive
Buffeted by secessions, ostracized by most of the rest of the world, and beset by internal chaos resulting from insufficient preparation for huge population shifts and vast energy shortages, the U.S. struggled to survive.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) this period of chaos in the last year of the U.S. about which little is known due to a total blackout of news by U.S. censors at the time and in the period following the reconstitution of the new USA in 2030
(2) the history of American isolationism in the 20th and early 21st centuries, resulting in its ostracism by the world community
(3) the failure of the original U.S. to develop an adequate energy policy before it was too late
2030– Break up of the U.S.; formation of the new, much smaller United States of America (USA)
The U.S. dissolved and was reconstituted as a much smaller and significantly weakened country, the New USA, consisting of 10 highly independent states operating under newly constituted Articles of Confederation. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION: 2030 Map of the USA)
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) details on the formation of the new USA and its constituent states, including its new Articles of Confederation
(2) the weakened position of the new USA in world affairs
(3) the slow evolution of trade relations with other nations and city-states on the American continent
(4) the special danger posed to the world by the new USA’s possession of vast stores of weapons of mass destruction, while the other nations of the civilized world had renounced their use and destroyed all stores of them
2010– Mexican government withdrawal from USA border
In a military-political-economic retrenchment that was to presage things to come, the Mexican government withdrew services from the entire border with the USA due to uncontrollable drug-trade related violence there and the inability (or unwillingness) of the Mexican military and federal police to stop illegal immigrants from pouring across the border into the USA. Anarchy ensued in which the drug lords were the only law.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on Mexican-American Border Conflicts, including entries on:
(1) the growing problems associated with “illegal” border crossings in the latter part of the 20th century
(2) Mexican police involvement in drug-running, kidnapping, rape, and murder on the border in the first decade of the 21st century
(3) Mexican and USA government policies and practices regarding legal and illegal Mexican migrant workers from the 1940s until 2015
2011– Beginning of abandonment of coastal regions of USA
Following seven consecutive years of multiple Category 5+ hurricanes and unequivocal projections of significantly rising sea levels due to global warming, the coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, the Carolinas, and the Yucatan began to empty out. First, corporations relocated to higher ground, followed by their workers which set up a chain reaction of abandonment by local businesses followed by their workers, and so on. By 2012, only workers involved in the energy and homeland security sectors remained, provisioned by government support agencies.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the abandonment of the American coast
(2) Global warming and category 5 hurricane frequency
(3) Global warming, melting of the polar ice caps, and rising sea levels
2012—Secession of French-speaking Quebec from Canada.
With the exodus of many wealthier English-speaking Canadians to warmer climes, there was a rebirth in the Quebecois separatist movement, resulting in 2009, in Quebec seceding from Canada. In the ensuing years, Quebec was joined in a loose confederation by the Canadian Maritime provinces and the former French Departments of St. Pierre, and Miquelon. Soon after, this French-speaking confederation. which was called Nouvelle France, joined the French Commonwealth and greatly curtailed trade relationships with its English-speaking neighbors, Canada and the USA.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on the history of Nouveau France anytime from the beginning of the Quebec Separatist Movement in 1960 to the present, 2078.
2013– Canada seals its actual and virtual borders with the USA
Canada closed its actual and virtual borders with the USA in an effort to prevent: (1) population flight from frigid Canada to the warmer regions of the USA ; (2) armies of unemployed and under-employed U.S. citizens from crossing into Canada to work jobs that paid in more valuable Canadian dollars: and (3) U.S. citizens from draining the Canadian market of low-cost pharmaceuticals and using fake Canadian IDs to obtain desperately needed (and free) medical care. The Canadian government accomplished this blockade by erecting a 3000-mile long invisible electro-magnetic fence that prevented vehicles and people from crossing the US-Canadian border and by blocking all Internet traffic (including financial transactions) between the two countries.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on The Great Canadian Border Closings of 2013.
2014 – Yucatan Peninsula abandoned by Mexico
The Mexican government withdrew all federal services, including military and police, from the region east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec when the growing fossil-fuel crisis on top of persistent hurricane damage effectively ended tourism on the Yucatan peninsula, leaving it a ghost region of empty luxury hotels, restaurants, and tourist shops.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on Mexican History: The Collapse of the Yucatan Economy (2010-2014)
Also a factor in the withdrawal of the Mexican military was its defeat at the hands of Mayan rebels in the adjoining state of Chiapas.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on Mexican History, especially the Chiapas Uprising anytime from its inception in the 1990s to its conclusion in 2014.
2014– USA military incursion into Mexico
The USA Military moved into major population centers of Mexican states on its border and engaged in series of violent confrontations with drug gangs. This military incursion set off a major diplomatic and potential military crisis between the USNA and Mexican governments, which was resolved early the next year when the Mexican government ceded to the USA the Mexican border states of Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahau, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipa.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1)The Mexican Border Crisis of 2014
(2) Historical background of military conflicts involving the two countries in the 19th century (Mexican-American War) and the 20th century (General Pershing’s “Punitive Expedition” to retaliate against Pancho Villa’s attacks in New Mexico, USA)
2015– Absorption of Mexican border states into the USA
The Mexican border states of Baja California, Sonora, and Chihuahau were easily absorbed into the states of California, Arizona, and New Mexico, respectively. However, in a statewide referendum, the Anglo voters of Texas (under the banner of "No more greasers!"), narrowly out-voted the Hispanic voters in refusing to accept the Mexican states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipa as part of their territory. In 2016, these states were combined and admitted to the Union as a single state, which was named Nueva Tejas (from an Indian word meaning "friendly") in an unsubtle, ironic rejoinder to the racist rejection by the Anglo voters of Texas. (Note: The acceptance of Nueva Tejas as a state was made politically easier as a counterbalance to the loss of Hawaii, which had seceded from the Union in mid-2016; see below.)
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on:
(1) The absorption of the Mexican border states into the U.S.
(2) Anti-in-migration laws adopted during this period by states bordering on Mexico and Canada, including the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Hernandez v. The State of Texas, which affirmed a state’s right to pass and enforce such laws
2016– Hawaiian Secession
After a five-year period of mass migration from Hawaii to California, as the tourism-dependent Hawaiian economy collapsed, the remaining citizens, mostly native and mixed-blood Hawaiians, voted to secede from the Union, the first state do so since the American Civil War.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) The Hawaiian Secession
(2) Historical background on how Hawaii became first an American Territory and later an American State
(3) The treatment of native Hawaiians by Anglos throughout its history
2017– Abandonment of the Southwestern U.S.
The enormous cost of electricity for air-conditioning and rapidly diminishing water supplies led to mass migration of Anglos from the desert regions of the U.S. southwest, including much of New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, virtually all of the area of the former Mexican states that had been incorporated into the U.S., and the less populated southern sections of Colorado, California, and Texas. These areas became thinly populated de facto Native American reserves, governed primarily by tribal councils and police with only nominal assistance from state or U.S. federal authorities. As a result of the enormous population loss, the once powerful states of New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah, lost significant representation in the US Congress, shifting the balance of power in the West temporarily to the mid-sections of California, Colorado, and Texas. (See 2024: 31st Amendment, below.)
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the history of the over-development of the American southwest in the late 20th and early 21st centuries and its subsequent abandonment when water and low-cost fuel supplies were insufficient to support those burgeoning populations
(2) the brief significant shift in the balance of power in Congress following the 2020 census until 2023.
2018– Federalization of all U.S. energy resources
The U.S. government federalized all lands and offshore sources of oil, coal, and natural gas and entered into lucrative agreements with energy companies to extract and refine fuels without environmental regulations.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on: the role of energy companies in USA foreign and domestic policies from the 19th century through 2030. We are especially interested in credible information and analysis of “big oil” interests that may have come to play:
(1) during and immediately after World War I
(2) in shaping the geopolitics of the middle-East in the 20th century
(3) as a major factor leading to the Gulf Wars of the late 20th and early 21st centuries
(4) in determining the fatally flawed energy policies of the U.S. and USNA (see below) from the late 20th century to 2030
2019– Indigenous American uprisings
Alaskan Native Peoples protested government seizure of their lands involved in the federalization of energy resources. These protests spread and grew, as indigenous peoples throughout the U.S., Mexico, and Canada rose up in sometimes violent protest against hundreds of years of land-grabs and broken treaties by white/gringo governments in those countries.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the long history of American, Canadian, and Mexican land grabs from and broken treaties with indigenous peoples
(2) the so-called “Indian Uprisings” of 2019-20
(3) historical background of other uprisings by indigenous peoples in the Americas in the 19th and 20th centuries
2020– Native American land rights treaties
In response to widespread “Indian Uprisings,” the governments of the United States, Canada, and Mexico signed a series of Native American Land Rights Treaties with various tribes, ceding to them vast areas of Alaska, the Canadian Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and the Yukon, as well as most of the prairie states of the U.S., and those areas of Mexico occupied primarily by Mayan and other Mexican natives. These treaties all permitted energy companies from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico to retain exclusive fuel, mineral, and water rights to these lands and for these countries to maintain military posts to protect corporately owned mines, wells, refineries, pipelines, and other transport systems such as rail lines and highways.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on:
(1) the infamous Native American Land Rights Treaties of 2020
(2) the role of military posts in controlling the lives of indigenous peoples on their own lands from 2020 to 2030
2021– U.S. withdrawal from the United Nations
The U.S. withdrew from the UN, the last straw being the Security Council vote to legally restrict individual citizens and unapproved businesses from using fossil fuels. (The UN moved its headquarters to Jerusalem, where it remained until its collapse in 2031.)
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) The United Nations from its inception in 1945 until its demise in 2031 including the role of the U.S. as the UN’s greatest supporter and its greatest detractor
(2) Historical background on the League of Nations, proposed by the USA President Woodrow Wilson, but fatally undermined by the refusal of the U.S. Congress to approve American participation in the League
2022– Out-migration from the northern tier of the U.S. and Canada
Skyrocketing heating fuel and gasoline costs led to gradual, but substantive out-migration of middle and working-class families from Northeastern and Great Lakes suburban and rural areas of the U.S. and Canada to rapidly growing cities in the more temperate states of the mid-Atlantic and Appalachia. Poor and working poor in the northeast and Great Lakes region became concentrated almost exclusively in large cities (in the U.S.: New York City, Buffalo, Rochester, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Newark, Jersey City, Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, Akron, Detroit, Milwaukee, St. Paul-Minneapolis, Gary, Indianapolis, and in Canada: Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa, Mississauga, Brampton, and Winnipeg), all of which featured cost-effective public transportation systems and energy-efficient high-rise apartment buildings, but little in the way of job opportunities. This situation soon became explosive.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on:
(1) Southward migration of middle and working class families throughout the 2020s
(2) The emergence of mega-ghettos of the poor in the cities of the northeast and the U.S. and Canadian Great Lakes regions throughout the 2020s
2023– Far-west secession
California led a chain of secessions from the U.S., followed soon thereafter by Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, which together formed a loosely knit Western American Confederation, more a free-trade zone than a shared government. Factors contributing to California’s secession reflected the disparate political, ethnic, and class make-up of California: (1) right-wing/working class anger and resentment toward Mexican immigrants who continued to pour in over California’s borders despite state laws making such in-migration illegal; (2) liberal frustration with the isolationist stance taken by the U.S. in withdrawing from the United Nations, (upon secession, California immediately applied for UN membership and signed Asian-Pacific free-trade and security treaties with China, Japan, Oceania, and others); (3) eco-rad disgust with U.S. domestic policies regarding energy, health care, the environment, and individual rights; and, (4) perhaps most importantly, the enmity of California’s influential business community and government leaders toward a federal government that consistently failed to provide needed economic and technical assistance to a state shaken by ten years of catastrophic earthquakes along the San Andreas Fault, which all but divided the state geologically into a narrow, but populous Pacific strip and a much wider and less populous East-of-the-Fault region.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the Far West Secessions
(2) the history of earthquakes in the far west
(3) Kalifornia's Krazy Kulture [Note: this entry made by an anonymous, unregistered individual]
2024– The 31st Amendment
In a deal to prevent the Southwestern states from joining the many other states that had already seceded, the 31st Amendment was passed, restoring lost seats in the House of Representatives to the population-depleted states of the southwest. Under this amendment, the basis for the number of members of the House of Representatives from each state was radically changed. Instead of being entirely population-based ("one person, one vote"), the number of representatives was now to be based on the newly defined concept of “population-potential.” This involved a formula that recognized both a state’s actual population and the population it had supported prior to mass out-migration.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia entries on the four constitutional amendments that passed during the tumultuous second decade of the century.:
(1) the 28th Amendment: redefinition of the separation of powers, greatly strengthening the Executive Branch and weakening the Judiciary
(2) the 29th Amendment: establishment of the Department of Homeland Security as a Super-Department, incorporating the former Department of Defense, the FBI, the CIA, and all other national security agencies
(3) the 30th Amendment: permitting the suspension by the President of all provisions of the Bill of Rights, all state laws, and the majority of federal laws in the case of national emergencies
(4) the 31st Amendment: redefinition of the basis for a state's seats in the House of Representatives
2025– Total abandonment of the American Southwest
Its population already decimated by the near impossibility of providing air conditioning, the southwest received the coup de grace when it was discovered that for a decade nuclear waste facilities in Utah and Nevada had been leaking highly radioactive materials into the water supply of the region. The U.S. government ordered all its citizens to permanently evacuate those parts of Arizona and New Mexico still occupied by Anglos, although Native American tribes were exempted from the order and left to fend for themselves. Evacuation was also mandatory in significant portions of Utah, Nevada, Colorado, and Texas. In addition, many others from areas in these states designated as "unaffected" left of their own volition, no longer trusting the government’s word for their safety. Nevertheless, under the 31st Amendment, these largely abandoned states retained their sizable number of members of the House of Representatives.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the abandonment of the Southwest
(2) the history of the over-development of the southwest during the later quarter of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, with particular attention to water and power resources
2026– Secession of states in the northern tier of the U.S.
Much of the population of New England, the Great Lakes region, and the northern plains states had by now relocated to the center and southern parts of the country due to the near impossibility of heating homes and businesses in winter. In 2026, the federal government ordered those remaining in most parts of these states to leave as well. Citizens in many of these states refused to relocate and resisted military and police action to force them to do so. Armed skirmishes broke out and the U.S. withdrew its troops, as well as its support for those who chose to stay. Vermont, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Indian territories of the Dakotas, Montana, and Idaho seceded without further military response by the U.S.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the secessions of 2026
(2) prior secessionist movements in the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly during the American Civil War of 1860-65
2027– Formation of new nations and city-states
New Vermont became a nation, incorporating portions of western New Hampshire, upstate New York, and northern Maine. Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and Gary, among others emerged as city-states, dominated by African-Americans. Idaho and Montana merged, forming The Aryan Nation, a largely rural, military nation of white supremacists; declaring themselves to be unfettered by previous U.S. treaties with Native American tribes, they expelled all non-whites from their country. Canada, meanwhile, was rocked by these events in the U.S.; Southern Ontario became a nation of largely English-speaking Caucasians, many of who fled from the U.S. cities now dominated by African-Americans; Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba were absorbed into the growing Native American tribal lands of the American prarie.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the formation of new nations and city-states during this period
(2) armed conflicts between the Aryan Nation and neighboring Indian tribes, supported by the African-American city-states of the Great Lakes
(3) the history of black-white relations throughout the history of the U.S.
2028–Indigenous peoples' recovery of most land lost in the previous three centuries
Most of the new nations and city-states signed treaties with indigenous tribes in which they deeded over rural areas to them, while retaining natural resource exploitation rights. The tribes repopulated many of these areas.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) the land treaties of 2028
(2) resettlement by indigenous tribes and their return to self-sufficiency and stewardship of the land.
2029-– The U.S. struggle to survive
Buffeted by secessions, ostracized by most of the rest of the world, and beset by internal chaos resulting from insufficient preparation for huge population shifts and vast energy shortages, the U.S. struggled to survive.
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) this period of chaos in the last year of the U.S. about which little is known due to a total blackout of news by U.S. censors at the time and in the period following the reconstitution of the new USA in 2030
(2) the history of American isolationism in the 20th and early 21st centuries, resulting in its ostracism by the world community
(3) the failure of the original U.S. to develop an adequate energy policy before it was too late
2030– Break up of the U.S.; formation of the new, much smaller United States of America (USA)
The U.S. dissolved and was reconstituted as a much smaller and significantly weakened country, the New USA, consisting of 10 highly independent states operating under newly constituted Articles of Confederation. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION: 2030 Map of the USA)
Readers are invited to submit potential Holopedia and/or surviving Wikipedia entries on:
(1) details on the formation of the new USA and its constituent states, including its new Articles of Confederation
(2) the weakened position of the new USA in world affairs
(3) the slow evolution of trade relations with other nations and city-states on the American continent
(4) the special danger posed to the world by the new USA’s possession of vast stores of weapons of mass destruction, while the other nations of the civilized world had renounced their use and destroyed all stores of them
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